This probably needs more than one thread on different forums but here goes. I am/have worked for a large corporate in Sandton for 2 years. I work through a well known labour broker. My contract says that I am an independent contractor. I am told I am entitled to no benefits whatsoever. My dear tax consultant who is an ex SARS employee has told me that I can only claim the following expenses Depreciation(laptop), medical expenses, income protection policy. I cannot claim ADSL and home office space and expenses(work from home time to time), cell phone, software and license purchases, annual subscriptions, training (UNISA courses) amongst other. All of which I would consider legitimate expenses incurred in the production. The problem explained by my tax lady is that SARS classes me as an employee and as such I can claim virtually no expenses and that the words independent contractor in my contract mean nothing to them. So no benefits and no tax deductions ? Is she correct ? Somewhere along the line I get the distinct impression I am had from more than one source.
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