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Thread: Outsurance

  1. #1
    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    What is your Outsurance really cheaper than say, Santam or M&F, if you compare apples to apples ?
    And should you have a claim, are they as quick as what they claim to be and without hassles ?
    What has been your experience ?
    Martin Coetzee
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  2. #2
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Personally with the amount of advertising they are doing, is that they are desperate to convince you that they are good.
    Secondly, if you have no representation with the insurer, they are gonna eat you alive.
    Thirdly they have all these little clauses that come and bite you when you claim.

    Just an example an acquaintance, loaned his car to his son to drive to Sun City. It was stolen there. He was not paid out, because the policy stated that only him the nominated driver was allowed to drive the vehicle according to the policy.
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Justloadit View Post
    Just an example an acquaintance, loaned his car to his son to drive to Sun City. It was stolen there. He was not paid out, because the policy stated that only him the nominated driver was allowed to drive the vehicle according to the policy.
    I suspect there's more than a few other insurance companies that would also repudiate that claim if the policy had a "nominated driver(s)" clause.

    For me, I have trouble buying into the "no brokers" angle. Over the years having an insurance broker has served me well and I view mine as an asset, not a liability.

  4. #4
    Diamond Member Justloadit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    I suspect there's more than a few other insurance companies that would also repudiate that claim if the policy had a "nominated driver(s)" clause.

    For me, I have trouble buying into the "no brokers" angle. Over the years having an insurance broker has served me well and I view mine as an asset, not a liability.
    Absolutely Dave.

    Another thing which people think is a good thing with Outsurance, is that they go to a claims centre who evaluate your damage and give you a cheque for the damage. It is then your responsibility to find a panel beater to do the repair. On the surface this sounds good, as you think that you can save money by negotiating with the panel beater. Now we all know what is going to happen, you are going to get a substandard repair on the one hand, and on the oeehr hand, which happens all the time, some hidden damage was not identified by the accessor, and you already have your claim paid to you.

    I have a broker, when I have a claim, I phone and the rest is history. The world is too complicated, and you can not be a master of everything. I of the opinion, hat everyone has a right to earn a living, just provide a value add to what ever you are doing and you will make it.
    Victor - Knowledge is a blessing or a curse, your current circumstances make you decide!
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  5. #5
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    I am with Outsurance, I haven't had a problem yet. But when you make a claim you do get the feeling they are looking for an angle to refute the claim. 2 years ago my daughter had an accident when she took my wife's car to varisity, then they phoned her and asked If I ask your friends will they tell me that use use the car a lot? That did not sit well with me. It was the first and subsequently the only time she she borrowed the car to to varsity.
    Then the outbonus has the most retarded rules attached to it, even the agents at outsurance can't explain why when they get the money back as the accident wasn't your fault you lose the outbonus.
    I wonder if the insurance ombudsman has stats on compliants from the various companies?
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  6. #6
    Gold Member Phil Cooper's Avatar
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    Their policy wording does leave out a number of extensions "conventional" insurers give. (this is th case with most Direct insurers).

    As a Broker, I can, more often than not, underquote them, with wider cover. (They may underquote your existing business up front to get the business, then prod it up gently in little jumps which do don't really feel, but add up.

    Then when you tell them you want to move, they will suddenly drop premiums again.

    As I say on my web page - when you have a loss do you want to deal with an Insurer whose profits depend on [I]minimising [I] your claim, or a Broker, who, to keep you happy, will ensure that your claim is MAXIMISED?

    The Ombudsman does have stats, but to date will not release them. But look at the relative complaints on a site like and you will see their ratios are WELL in excess of their market share.

  7. #7
    Email problem
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    Not that I had a problem with Outsurance over the last 13 years but it was a unpleasant surprise that when through the recommendation of my older brother to get a quote from Alexander Forbes for their "55 Plus" product. I was insured for 2cars, contents of house and the buildings. My premium reduced by more than 50%. But please note I am now over 55 and appears to be less of a risk then the young folk. Not that I can think it has any thing to do with being a lesser risk getting unwanted visitors

  8. #8
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    I am with Dave on this one.Having a broker might cost a bit more but if the *&^% hits the fan,they do become very handy. My broker also has plenty experience in the smaller details that I do not even think about asking.

    I wouldn't change easily.

  9. #9
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    Been with Outsurance for 3 years (businesses and cars) never had to claim - so cannot comment on that side. But on price...was paying on the business side around R970 pm, just had a quote from a broker at Mutual & Federal R241! Need to get my head a round it - but it seems to be the same coverage....

  10. #10
    Gold Member Phil Cooper's Avatar
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    M & F


    The fact you can get cheaper cover with M&F does not surprise me - Outsurance are NOT cheap, despite adverts!

    BUT - discrepancy is too great - worries me - and that kind of premium INCLUDING Motor seems WAY too low!

    If you want me to look at the 2 of them and give you comment - NO cost or obligation - happy to help!

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