i did some research into power factor correction for the home owner and found a couple of sites which had developed a small box type PFC unit for the domestic market...but most people shoot it down because they say it is not viable for the domestic market.
my question is surely if you look into the link powersaving .co.za and check out the fridge appliance test you will notice how much the load affects the power...resistive compared to the compressor...surely even a small amount of saving like this would make a difference especially considering...your fridge...swimming pool...dishwasher...tumble drier...home entertainment centre...aircons...to list a few all contribute to the electricity bill at the end of the month...surely installing a pfc unit to improve the pf would make a difference at the end of the month...and make your home a little more energy efficient...i know in industry the pfc units are expensive so installing them are not always the best option purely because of the initial outlay...however if they were more affordable could impact positively to the overal power consumption nation wide...eskom is always telling us to be more energy efficient....why are they not promoting this type product?
pfc can also negatively effect the installtion if designed and installed incorrectly.
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