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Thread: Calling all cold calling guru's !

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    Calling all cold calling guru's !

    Hi all,

    Hope this is in the correct category.

    I have my own sole prop IT Company, and I do walk in's to get new business. I target business parks with small / medium businesses. Like engineering companies.

    Here's my pitch....

    "Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I'm in the area dropping off business cards for any IT help you might need and was wondering who can I leave it by?"

    My pitch isn't the problem. Many times they only have like one laptop there, or the boss has like 1 or 2 laptop's at home. These are small companies.

    I get answers like, "Thx but this laptop hasn't given me any problems yet" or "Yea you see we only have this one laptop" etc etc

    What do I do when they say that? Do I just drop the business card and call like once a month to hear if they need anything?

    You cannot force someone to use your services. 1 laptop / desktop doesn't warrant a Service Level Agreement pitch from my side.

    If anyone has some advice I'd really appreciate it.

    If you need any more info to give a more accurate answer / advice, please ask.

    Thx guys !

  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    "Hi, I was wondering if you could help me. I'm in the area dropping off business cards for any IT help you might need and was wondering who can I leave it by?"
    You don't come across as being very sure of yourself!

    I don't think that a single pitch line is the way to go - The best is to try and strike up a conversation and take it from there.

  3. #3
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    Always offer a solution to a problem they may or may not have then offer them something for nothing.

    "Hi I am the guy who will sort out any problems you may have with your computers, hard or software.
    By the way are you aware of TFSA? membership is free and the benefits are enormous, let me show you how to sign up!!
    Oh and if you make your home page you get links to all the best and yes most helpful sites!! here is my card with a few links on the back."
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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andrew_ZA View Post
    What do I do when they say that? Do I just drop the business card and call like once a month to hear if they need anything?
    I'd leave the business card or some other form of leave-behind. But how about offering some free IT tips instead of the monthly visits? Something like

    "You know how PC's get slower and slower. Would you be interested in some free IT tips about keeping your equipment in top shape?"

    And if yes, get their email address so that you can add them to your "monthly IT tips" newsletter. Now they get a virtual reminder monthly and you save on petrol, shoes, time, sweat, getting past gatekeepers...

    Don't leave them empty handed, and try not to come away entirely empty handed yourself.

  5. #5
    Email problem
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    Awesome advice guys !

    wynn: I'm going to try that approach, thank you !

    Dave: Yea, that idea was in the back of my mind.

    I worked for a company that sent out 2000 e-mail's with a newsletter informing people of their services, etc etc

    One client came back, and I sent him a quote for a huge amount. Just some random person who read their e-mail with this newsletter, so yes, it does work.

    Guys, thx so much! Just got a call from one of the businesses where I dropped off a business card. She just picked up a virus that won't let her login to her operating system & she needs to do wages. I'm there tomorrow morning at 8am.

    I'm so happy right now ;-)

    Thank you for the advice. Especially for someone as new to the forum as me.

    Thx guys !

  6. #6
    Email problem
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    I was just thinking...

    If I give them tips on how to keep their PC's in tip top shape, and how to make sure they don't get viruses etc....

    Isn't that shooting myself in the foot? If they know how to do it themselves, then why would they ever call me for help?

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Think that way and next thing you'll be sending them viruses.

    Don't just send a tips newsletter - lay temptation in their way. Include specials on desirable new stuff...

    The whole problem with cold calling in many lines of business is it's blind luck that you're calling at the moment of their need. What you need is to get remembered when that time of need comes.
    Last edited by Dave A; 24-Feb-11 at 07:25 AM.

  8. #8
    Email problem
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    Awesome. Thank you Dave.

  9. #9
    Email problem
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    Yes, the idea it to ensure that people remember you ..... because of the great conversation they had, the handy tips you gave them. And yes - get their email address so that you can keep in "contact" regularly .... When their moment of need arises, they won't have to look to far back into their inbox for your name!

  10. #10
    Email problem
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    Hey guys,

    I've been cold calling for a while now, and there's situations or scenarios where I need your help please.

    Cold calling 101:

    Walk in business
    Drop off business card
    Get business card
    E-Mail following day with introduction e-mail or call to setup appointment

    OK, that's my strat per say.

    Now, situations..... Please note all "scenarios" take place in Western Cape

    "Thank you, but our IT department in Durban / JHB handles our IT needs"

    Solution? Send intro e-mail anyways or move on?

    "The manager isn't here, but I'll take your card. (PA ). You can talk to me for all IT needs".

    Make appointment with PA next day or push to get the Managers name & call him?

    "Thank you but we already have an IT guy" ( Very popular response )

    Send intro e-mail anyways? ( I always say, "that's fine. Maybe I offer something he doesn't ).

    " Yes yes thank you". ( When you give your business card to the VERY busy Manager who's on his way out )

    Do you send intro e-mail? As the chances of him not even remembering who you are is about 100%.

    "Sorry, we have no business cards or company letterheads to give you"

    This happens every now & then. Some dead beat PA who won't do the trouble of giving me the info I need. Like decision makers name, tel no, e-mail address etc. What do you do?

    "We are very happy with our current IT guy"

    Solution? Send intro e-mail anyway?

    "Our IT guy is useless, but you must speak to Mr. Joe Soap, his the manager, but he is not here now & I don't know when he'll be back"

    Call the next day & speak to the PA to get the Managers name to setup an appointment?

    "No no it's fine. We don't need anyone thank you" ( Very rushed tone )

    Ask if I can send intro e-mail anyway stating my services?

    Guys these are the scenarios I get faced with when cold calling, and I really hope you guys can help as to provide a solution to every scenario.

    It's tough cold calling, and it's here where I come for advice.

    Thank you

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