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Thread: Moeletsi Mbeki - Only a matter of time

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Moeletsi Mbeki - Only a matter of time

    Moeletsi Mbeki's opinion piece, Only a matter of time before the hand grenade explodes is an interesting read. It starts:
    I CAN predict when SA’s "Tunisia Day" will arrive. Tunisia Day is when the masses rise against the powers that be, as happened recently in Tunisia. The year will be 2020, give or take a couple of years.
    What I find more interesting than the crystal ball stuff is his view on how the situation developed in the first place.

    Did big business really start BEE?
    Does BEE make government dependant on big business, or does it make would-be entrepreneurs dependant on government?

    Probably most important, how do we defuse the bomb?

  2. #2
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    To diffuse the bomb we need to stop relying on China as our sole market to export and import.
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  3. #3
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    Cool Moeletsi Mbeki - Only a matter of time

    Whilst I would not presume to disagree with Moeletsi, (God bless this man) I am more inclined to see SA as having a terminal illness that is largely unacknowledged, but there like cancer, eating away at the national fabric.

    Unless arrested, as with cancer, a critical point will be reached, when it simply destroys the nation as a viable entity. This will include civil unrest and disintegration of the social contract.

    The present socio-economic model is somewhat naive, unimaginative and non mission specific. It is simply not sustainable, if only for the reason that it is not SME centered.
    We are already seeing "tensions of realization" , e.g, Vavi's statement about "spitting in the faces of the poor".

    Our Zuma led government is being more responsive than the Thabo Mbeki fat cats. However it is already hampered for being infected by many with the same "enrichment and protection of cabal members' culture. The public interest is secondary. That is the ever present problem.

    Like untreated cancer, it is fatal
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  4. #4
    Bronze Member Fanie's Avatar
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    I thought the end of the world is going to be in 2012... you should probably check it out or you won't get paranoid enough. Lets face it, the turn of the century was a weak one. We live in interesting times.

    Some predictions were also made by Siener van Rensburg. I know he is not recognised by many, but the things he did predict that already came true were very accurate.

    Interesting is that things he predicted around our situation is now coming true.

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