useage nil.
the worse thing the elctricity department could have done was discoonect my power...and at the has been open gates for me some really creative ideas and some simply ideas.
apparently they dont believe i can use zero kw so they have decided to do an investigation...i cant wait...they cant even figue out which fuse feeds my house...and yet they want to do an investigation...i have finally come up with ideas of bypassing the meter without breaking any seals...lifting any neutral plates to stop the meter turning...drilling small holes in the meter to phydically slow down the meter...all methods which the department have already discovered.
and what makes it easier is the use of alternate means of setting up all these devices just makes it look like you can go without their power and bring your consumption is amazing how they watch your comsumption and if it comes down they deteck it...and query.
so for those of you who think by changing to a pre paid meter is the easy way out and you just convert them jipo the meter think again...make sure you have enough alternate means to run your household otherwise you will get caught...they monitor your useage even when on a pre apid system...
they are watching you...even though everyone i speak to are so anti the elctricity department and feel the yare being ripped off...there are pimps who will rat you out if they get half a if you decide to cut your cable and put a tee piece under the ground before your meter dont tell anyone about it.
we are lucky they only read the meter every 3 months so sometimes if you forget to replace the link in the meter its no big deal...
my motto get back waht they are stealing from us...91 cents per kw...daylight robbery and they can get away with fact it is not even regarded as crimminal.
and as for R980 rates dont get me started...until someone can explain the R600 increase in one month i regard it as theft...and go out of my way to get some return on my investment...sutcliff says they cut the verges 7 times a year...must be on the roads he travels home everyday because it sure as hell aint happening where i live nor on my route home...more like every seven years...and he says we must report the long grass how about they just do their they are suppose to or had done until he took over.
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