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Thread: What's Their Excuse (Extended)

  1. #1
    Gold Member Dave S's Avatar
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    What's Their Excuse (Extended)

    It becomes obvious that our Monkeypalities and Gobblement have no idea what they are doing. They are constantly producing new legislation that has fatal flaws, for instance I give this example of a problem I am currently facing with the Randburg License Offices.

    I purchased a Bakkie back in 2001 and financed through Bankfin, this was paid-up in 2003. As is the norm Bankfin had "title holder" of the vehicle and I was the "owner". Bankfin failed to transfer title to me when the vehicle was paid-up and I didn't know any better so that's how it stayed.

    In January this year the vehicle was stolen and I was told by Outsurance that I must now de-register the vehicle before they can complete the claim, easy enough, or so I thought. The License dept. pointed out that I would need the original docs from Bankfin which I got after a couple of weeks waiting and a letter from them with details about the account status, change of title forms and proxy ID, etc. In other words, everything I needed to complete the de-reg.

    Back to license dept. and this is how it went...
    THEM "First you need to transfer the title, and then you can dereg the vehicle"
    ME "Ok? let's do it"
    THEM "You will need to take the vehicle for a police clearance from Langlaagte before we can transfer title"!?!?
    ME "But here is the Bankfin letter, title change app, certified ID of their proxy, etc. I did just mention that the vehicle has been stolen? didn't I, how am I going to take a vehicle I don't have for a police clearance???
    THEM (without a word of a lie) Eish... you will have to find the vehicle"???????? "because our SYSTEM won't allow us to process the application without a clearance certificate".
    ME "Finding the vehicle is your job, not mine. I am the victim here. How is it possible that a criminal can register a stolen vehicle but I can't even process a legal application because YOUR SYSTEM won't allow it?" With that I stormed out of the dept. in search of a Magistrate. An afidavit signed by him and suddenly there system could do the job.

    But it's been nearly a month and I only now have the documentation that Outsurance need to process my claim.

    This has obviously been surmised a bit as the whole story would take a week to write. But it reflects the incompetance and unwillingness of our public servants.
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  2. #2
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    I just transferred my car from wesbank to myself. Paid off in December. Just took 1.5 hours. I didn't need a police clearance. Are they asking for this because the car has been reported stolen?
    When I had a car stolen I had to report it to Bramley police station and couldn't get a case number from them, after going back daily for a week. Eventually I told the claims adjuster where I had reported it gave him all the phone numbers and said you sort it out. Then I was paid out. But that wasn't outsurance.
    I know they get sticky on some claims, but can't you throw it back at them and tell them to deal with the red tape and earn their premiums!
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I go through this "change of title holder" business fairly regularly. I've never been asked for a police clearance certificate

  4. #4
    Gold Member Dave S's Avatar
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    Apparently, as the car was purchased more than 5-years ago, it now needed a clearance to do the title change, anyway, it's all sorted now, I'm just waiting for the Outsurance cheque, should be around R16K (the car was old). Anyone know where I can get a good car for R16K???
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  5. #5
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    Go Indian, or Chinese...
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  6. #6
    Gold Member Chrisjan B's Avatar
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    Maybe a good bicycle!

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  7. #7
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by desA View Post
    Go Indian, or Chinese...
    I agree, I would also buy some take-out food when you get the cheque, can't beat a good vindaloo for a celebration meal. :-)

    Wouldn't risk buying their vehicles though.


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