when running any other source of electricity...generator...ups...invertor...etc
how important is the frequency?
i have been running tests on a standby generator...and found that certain items like my invertor...cellphone charger and fast chargers for my hilti battery machines do not function correctly when connected to a generator...
i found that the generator is running at 54.3 hz and 106 volts neutral to earth...i can only asume that this is the issue for the chargers and invertors...in fact if you connect the invertor the lights start flickering and the earth leakage trips....you have to switch off the invertor when the generator is running is unplug it.
the wave form is really bad but most items work fine...or so it seems.
i found some ups units will also not function if connected to a generator...we found that the ups had to be replaced with newer models which could operate between 45 anf 55 hz...the older units only operate between 49.5 and 50.5 hz...if the frequency was higher or lower the unit would just buzz constantly.
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