Hi everyone,

Ive been running my CC as the Director for the past 8 months and today I was informed that its illegal to call myself the CC as Im the owner of the company, if I end up in count or something Ill be in big trouble or something. So Im not going to play the risk game and Ill go change everything as soon as I know what Im legally allowed to call myself.

What I do: EVERYTHING!!! I handle the accounting, dealer accounts, logistics, supplier relations and general business management, marketing. However, cause of the size of my company (Value wise) I do intend on employing people one day. I have an accountant now and someone helps with the marketing side.

So I own the business and I managed the business day prac and work, along with planning and more. I thought CEO would be more right, considering Managering Director would put me back at square one. Im also going to have partners in the future so I need to keep space open for them, they'll also be working.

Any ideas?