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Thread: warning...selling a vehicle read this

  1. #1
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    warning...selling a vehicle read this

    yeah yeah...i know you have all heard this before...let me warn you...if you DONT get the buyer to fill in the yellow form get their telephone number...home telepone number...cellphone number...and PERSONALY take the yellow form and hand it in at the licensing department...then you must suffer the same agony i have just been thru.

    and it doesnt stop there...if you dont get a receipt that you handed in the yellow form from the teller you could be in for a 2 year court ordeal like the person who was in the que in front of me...and he still has the vehicle in his name with penaltiies running into the thousands...and at the end of it the teller insisted no receipt we are not interested.

    the worse part is you cannot buy another vehicle and register it nor renew a license until it is sorted out...

    and it doesnt stop there because if there are any fines along the way YOU will have to prove that you were not the driver of the vehicle.

    so the next time you sell a vehicle and the buyer asks you to give him/her the yellow form to sort warned.

    and just to make matters worse for me the date of the sale agreement and the date on the yellow form was not the same...because the day the person paid for the vehicle and got the purchase agreement they didnt take the vehicle they came a couple of days which time we filled in the yellow copy and i made a copy but didnt fil out a second yellow copy i just made a photstat copy...which meant a couple of hours in the police station getting affidavids.

    rather get a pile of them at the licensing office and fill out 5 just incase...make sure all the dates are correct and are the same as the sale agreement...makes sure there are no mistakes...but most important take it yourself personally and hand it in and make sure you get a dont want to deal with the tellers at the licensing department...its a goverment organisation and the people are trained to go to the toilet after each person who visits their window so you wait and wait and wait...and what ever you do take medication like i did so you are very laid back with a couldnt give a f*&^ attitude and try not fall aseep at the counter like i did today...3 times ..i even had the supervisor ask me if i was ok...because i almost fell off the counter when i dozed off...the third time..while waiting for the teller to sort out my get worked up they laugh you off and then you wait even longer...just remeber they get paid to sleep at the getting worked up doesnt make things happen any quicker in fact it slows them down even more.

    i wonder if the customer consumer act is gona improve services...from goverment organisation or doesnt it affect them?

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I would love to know what the motor licencing bureau does with that yellow slip.

    My wife sold a vehicle a couple of years ago, handed in the yellow copy and yes - has the receipt.

    The fines on the vehicle keep coming - mostly because the vehicle doesn't have a current licence disk displayed
    Clearly the buyer never did their end of completing the transfer.

    Now the buyer's details are on that yellow form. Why are the fines still coming to my wife?
    She keeps notifying the municipality that she has sold the vehicle and gives the details of the buyer. And yet the fines keep on coming...

    Just what do they do with that yellow form?
    Last edited by Dave A; 26-Jan-11 at 01:24 PM.

  3. #3
    Gold Member Martinco's Avatar
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    Aahaa ! Ditto.

    But what Murdock left out is that you must have a certified copy of the new owners ID, otherwise licensing will not take it of your name.
    I did not................. I had to make an affidavid and pay the arrears license fees and for the new year (2011), fortunately no fines ! , fill in all the forms and the very kind lady helped me and I now have a document that says "Exported". If the new owner now wants to register the vehicle, he has to come to me first, get a new form signed, copy of my ID after paying me for the money I had to lay out to get the vehicle of my name plus admin I am waiting.
    But I echo the transfer yourself !!!!!!!!!
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  4. #4
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    yesterday there was a person complaining about the same thing dave is talking about...after 2 years still no evidence of the yellow form or transfer...and boy dont try tell the bright spark behind the counter that she doesnt know what she is doing they just get up and leave you at the counter...for as long as thery feel can hear them sniggering at the back...but hey we live in africa what do you least there is hope for this country when the chinese take over...and you gona say i shouldnt be so positive about the chinese...i need hope to keep me alive and the way this country is heading...i am loosing hope faster than fats cats are abusing our taxes...

    by the way...if anyone goes to pinetown/westmead licensing department watch window 2 in enquires and you will notice how the lady serves one person then dispapears for a break then comes back sits assists 1 person then off she goes again and so it carries on all day long...what amazes me is there are closed circuit cameras all over the building...unfortunately it must be like all the cameras on the freeways...not even working.

    they are bringing out new tolls and a new number plate system ( which by the way is gona cost you an i amnother R1500) to generate more money to waste yet they cannot even get a sytem which is already in place must be because the cameras dont generate money for them to blow.

    this afrikaaner state is starting to sound like a better idea by the day...only problem it will become the only functional place in africa...and once set up properly will get taken over and destroyed like the rest of africa
    Last edited by murdock; 27-Jan-11 at 07:51 AM.

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