View Poll Results: Bring Back The Death Penalty

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  • Yes

    25 78.13%
  • No

    6 18.75%
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    0 0%
  • I Was Violated

    1 3.13%
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Thread: Crime in SA

  1. #1
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    Exclamation Crime in SA

    If there is anybody out there who can and will help me in the fight against crime please do so.
    Lets just stop the blabbering and do something towards the future of all of us and support me in helping raped and violated victems.
    Have a look at or mail me on for help mail me at
    As,, please send me your comment to 36018 NB sms must start with "DP"
    All msg's will be posted on my site every 48 hour.
    From there we will take the comments and work with it in public so that everybody can give us their oppinion and we will find a way to live and work together. We did not ask to be here we are here so lets make the best of it and work together. It will make life easier for everybody.
    The Team at DP South Africa...

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    A question if I may.

    We're seeing lots of people running around waving their hands in the air calling for the return of the death penalty. And yet these efforts seem to have been pretty ineffectual to date.

    What are you hoping to do differently that will actually have this sentiment taken seriously by government?

  3. #3
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    Exclamation The DP Team

    Yes it is true that many have tried but all have failed.
    But the votes that we receive are log ed and stored on a server.
    As soon as we have a 50% margin of DP YES we are going to court with a lot of people and 2 very good Advocates accompanied by the votes and information of what is going on. We have people that is gathering info in prison showing that it is a rehabilitation and infarct train people to become worse criminals.

  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    OK. So I take it then that the plan is to mount a challenge in the Constitutional Court.

    When you talk of 50%, why is that important and do you have a hard number? Just how many people/supporters does that come to?

  5. #5
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    Exclamation The DP Team

    I am hoping for about 20 Mil but for the courtcase to srart I need about half of the victoms that comes to around 1.5 Mil.
    We are changing our site with all the info and stats on it that will be updating every 24 hours. The new site sould be up and runing around en next week.
    If you have any info and/or ways to go about that will hetp us please feel free to do so.
    Kind Regards
    The DP Team

  6. #6
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    In what way do you feel that introducing the death penalty will have an impact on crime?
    [SIGPIC]Engineer Simplicity[/SIGPIC]
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  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    At this stage, I'm pretty interested in how the poll is going to go. I know most South Africans are pretty sick and tired of crime, and are pretty keen to help bring it to heel. But reinstating the death penalty is in a way a seperate issue.

  8. #8
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    Exclamation The DP Team

    Yes the Death Penalty and crime is two things but we are doing a lot of things under the domain
    Lets start putting it in a nut shell..
    (1) We help Raped victems
    (2) we make people aware of how crime is comited
    * How your home is marked
    * how what and why it happens
    * Have meetings where SUP at SAP talks and explains

    As for the Death Penalty ...
    I have spoken to prissoners and 99% of them say the same thing.
    When we are outside we have to work very hard for a small amount of money.
    It is like a holiday . Start ... I quote " I steal a few things and some money any way posable live on the stolen thing for a while, If I go to prison I havesome money and with money it is like a hotel. Everything gets done for me and I get free food and a bed."

    I asked then then why when they come out it is week then thay are back and they replyed to me " When I get out I go to my family and when everybody has seen me I want to go back where it is easy and everything is for free so I do crime and give some things to my family and go back the where it is easy"

    That is why there are so much crime, It is easy and fun in prison so why do they have to be scared and think twise before doing something wrong.
    If I give you food and money evertime you rape a girl then why wont you do it.
    Did you know that the ZCC said that if you rape a girl without using a condom that thay will be cured from the HIV virus.

    My Fiance was raped and I know what is going on. When they found the guy they said that he did not know what he was doing and he is walking around again. Now I ask you do you have any idee what is is doing to her and our relationship is very bad as from then.

  9. #9
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    Exclamation The DP Team

    To Answer as proper as posable there are a lot of thing we do under the domain

    (1) Make people aware of crime and how it is done
    (2) Have meetings where we have SAP units talk to the people and explain to them how places are marked
    (3) What to do in some senarios and how to react
    (4) We work with Raped victoms ( My fiance is one of them that was raped)

    I went to prison and spoke to a few prissoners and the reply I got was shoking.

    * I asked them the folowing questions

    1. Are you not scared in prison?
    2. Why did you do what you did?
    3. Why when you get relised you are back in a few days?

    From these 99 % of the answers was the same ....

    On Q 1 - They replyed that no it is nise in here, we get everything we need and everything gets done for us by the rookys
    ( new prisoners )
    Q 2 - On the outside we work very hard for very little money so we steal something and do some crime for the fun of it.
    We then have fun with the money and give some to our familys.
    Q 3 - As soon as we are out we have to do everything for our self again. It is a lot easier to do crime and get money easy
    then we can do what we want and go back where we get everything for free

    The one guy robed a cash in transit van of 6.8 mil and he got 25 years. In the robbery he shot and killed 3 people and he told me if a was outside I have to work to buy things to servive and in 25 years I still would not have dah 6.8 mil rand.
    So now I get everything for free and when I get out I will live like a king with everything that I ever wanted PS: He only have 9 years left.

  10. #10
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Two questions,

    1. In what way do you feel that the death penalty will fix the particular problems that you've mentioned? And,
    2. In what cases do you think the death penalty should be applied?
    [SIGPIC]Engineer Simplicity[/SIGPIC]
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