I have an employee who has a business cellphone and has resigned (effective date end of January).
He has asked if he can keep the cellphone and the cellphone number.
Any thoughts?
I have an employee who has a business cellphone and has resigned (effective date end of January).
He has asked if he can keep the cellphone and the cellphone number.
Any thoughts?
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If the phone is used to solicit business and contact clients, or clients use that number to place orders, then the answer is no, you can not have the number, as you will lose business.
You also have the problem of transferring the ownership of the contract.
Last edited by Justloadit; 11-Jan-11 at 04:37 PM.
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it is a difficult question...
you could say but he is gona steal your customers...but if he was smart he would have already moved all the contacts to a pc...letting him work till the end of the month is more of a risk than letting him take his cellphone...i dont allow people to work from the point of resignation they pack and leave the same day...unfortunatley i dont trust anyone especially if they are leaving
Is it on contract? If so how do you plan to transfer this?
Who is RICA'd on this number? Could get messy if used for illegal purposes down the line.
On what terms are you with this employee seeing that he is leaving?
The above aside, why does it matter if he takes the phone? Whats worrying your gut feel?
It is on contract.
It is RICA'd to the company.
It is going to be a PITA transferring it.
We are parting on good terms.
Murdock and Justloadit's concerns are possibilities, although probably unlikely in this particular case. He only services long term contract clients. It's a valuable list, but would not be easily converted.
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I believe to transfer the sim ownership/account is not such a big schlep, but both the old and new owner need to go and see the SP with ALL the documentation. ( ID's and in your case I guess some company info. )
But I do agree with Justloadit
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If he's parting on good terms and you want to leave paths open for him to return in future I would give him the actual phone with a new sim card that's RICA registered to him and divert the old number for a couple of months so he'll receive his calls and have a fair chance to give everyone his new number. I wouldn't want to go thru the headaches of changing the RICA on the old sim.
If you can register a new number on this contract, with number portability, then it could be easier for him to take the contract (presuming it's due to the fact that it's easier for him to take over an existing contract than open a new one?) and you keep the number on a pre-paid card incase old clients need to contact you?
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It looks like we're heading towards Andy's suggestion.
At our management meeting we decided we weren't interested in playing games with the contract. They are transferable but there's a whole lot of subject to's before we'd be off the hook. However, we'll let him keep the phone. It's a Blackberry which he really wanted - and I assume will have a lot of personal stuff stored onboard.
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Alcocks Electrical Services | Alcocks Pest Control & Entomological Services | Alcocks Hygiene Services
Letting him keep the phone is a score as it is, so for him to get a new SIM is a simple enough task, after all he can copy all his contacts to the phone’s memory and send a simple balk SMS. Yes we all have thousands of numbers on our phones but how many of them are friends and family? So he will spend few rand on a SMS bundle he still gets to keep a cool phone AND you can always divert incoming calls and stuff as stated above.
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