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Thread: SEO spam

  1. #1
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    SEO spam

    It really is just getting to much and the guys that offer this service seldom cant even be found on google. Maybe this response via email by me this morning is arrogant, but surely it's allowed to be!

    Hello Ronni

    So lets see, you want to help with SEO.

    I googled SEO, and guess what couldnt find you (brand-success) in the first 10 pages. If you had checked properly, you will notice i rank anything between 1st place and generally page 1 or in first 3 pages for most of my keys.

    What really gets me is my web specifically says DO NOT CONTACT ME RE SEO.

    Using the word ethical and spamming me??

    Anyway Ronni, if you would like help with your site and SEO let me know, i only charge $20 000 per hour and first 10 hours paid in advance but REALLY do not contact me again offering your services otherwise i will invest several hours in blacklisting your email and web wherever i can, including with MS etc.

    Warm regards

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  2. #2
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    Is that worth the time, I would rather kick the dog/cat/frog to get rid of the anger. Then mark the sender as junk email, which you can look at once a week/month.
    Only stress when you can change the outcome!

  3. #3
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Yup, wouldn't really invest those hours! I become a bit like a spoilt brat with this stuff...."do you know who i am!!!"

    Some days it just really seems to peeve me more than others... dont know why

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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    We all have bad days when we're easier to tick off, I reckon.

    I don't know which is worse - the attempt to sell you an SEO service when they don't seem to be that good at SEO'ing themselves, or the fact that they spammed you.

  5. #5
    Email problem
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    Yup, i know all about SEO companies trying best to sell SEO Services to you. I get at least 5 emails a week mostly from India trying to sell their products and services. The first thing i always look for the the senders email address. It's usually a free account such as gmail or hotmail and that on its own tell me a lot about a so called professional seo company!!!

  6. #6
    Email problem derekjay's Avatar
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    Oh you've gotta love these

    The whole idea behind SEO is that is is an inbound marketing system (ie, customers find you, not the other way round).

    They must have some sort of success rate though, or else they wouldn't still be spamming people. Just feel sorry for the victims.

  7. #7
    Email problem BryanCasson's Avatar
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    I own an SEO company... believe me, this type of marketing is frowned upon by all the real SEO experts in SA. The funny thing is, they claim that you are nowhere to be found.... so how did they find you in the first place?? I will tell you what their strategy is. They look for the top 20 websites under a keyword and then try sell their SEO to you. The reason they do this is because it makes their job a whole lot easier if they don't have to do any work because you are already ranked. They bill you every month and don't have to do anything. All my SEO clients get approached by these guys because they are ranked well, so take it as a sign that your site is doing well in the search results if one of these guys call you..

    Let me tell you about a story I have about one of these calls. Would you believe they called me (an SEO expert) telling me that I was nowhere to be found. So I asked them some questions and this is how it played out.

    [idiot] Good Day Sir, we have noticed that when searching on Google your site does not come up and your results are very poor
    [me] And what words exactly were you Googling?
    [idiot] We were looking under "SEO books"
    [me] Do I see SEO books?
    [idiot] um, I don't know sir but you asked me what keywords we were looking for
    [me] so you want to list me under keywords not relevant to my industry?
    [idiot] there are other words we cannot find you under because of your poor SEO sir
    [me] really, please tell me what they are
    [idiot] SEO specialist
    [me] Yes, now you are talking, I am an SEO specialist so at least you got the right target keyword... so where am I listed under "SEO specialist"
    [idiot] What is your URL sire?
    [me] (WTF) hold on, you say I am not listed yet you don't know what my site address is? Do you guys even research a site before you call? My URL is www.(myurl) so please check where I am under "SEO specialist"
    [idiot] (typing.. probably the most research he did all day) Oh, I see you are number 2 in Google.
    [me] Yes that is about right
    [idiot] (getting smart) but you are not number 1
    [me] So are do you guys get your clients number 1 for every keyword
    [idiot] Yes
    [me] and how many keywords is that for?
    [idiot] Three
    [me] So if I was a client of yours I would pay thousands to be listed under 3 irrelevant keywords!
    [idiot] we are experts sir!
    [me] No, you are SEO scum that brings our industry name down. I list my clients on the from page for over 200 relevant keywords and you want to try steal them away so you can list them under 3 irrelevant keywords
    [idiot] ....... (hung up)

    And this is how it goes over and over again. If anyone ever calls you and tells you that you are not found in Google... tell them to @#$% off. (Unless you have no website )
    Bryan Casson: SEO Expert & Owner of Casson Media
    "Google or Bing...... um what is Bing?"

  8. #8
    Email problem
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    I never send snotty e-mail's or sarcastic e-mail's to whomever mail's me with spam etc. I just delete it. Reason? I always think of how my company will be affected by me sending snotty e-mail's to whomever. There's nothing better than to mail someone swearing, insulting them & the like, but you have to bear in kind, "How is this attack on whomever going to affect my company name & image?".

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