first issue to sort mobile and direct channel credit management.
i have just receiced a print out for and outstanding amount from credit direct...
my query is it legal for these people to bill me
R15.96 for telephone calls
R7.98 for sms
R39.90 for a consultation which was a telephone call (for a detailed memo)
total bill todate over and above the so called out standing amount owing to virgin mobile
total bill owing to virgin mobile R209.00
considering that the telephone number they have been calling and sending sms is not in use...
secondly they have not sent me any legal documents to take me to court so we can sort this issue out.
they have also blacklisted me...i dont understand how they can do this without some form of court summons.
any advise as to the way forward?
the reason i have not paid the R209 was because i had a 24 month contract which was a R199 contract with virgin mobile yet every month R209 came off the debit order...which i paid for 24 months...they are saying that when i signed the 24 months contract there is a clause which states that the contract will continue until i give them 1 calender month notice...which is what i am waiting for so that we can finalise this issue...instead of virgin sending me this information i get a call from the direct channel at a cost of R39.90
and a statement with the outstanding balance.
my question to them is...if they had a debit order running why didnt they debit my account like they had done for 24 month before?
this company just keeps calling the old number and billing me R15.96 regardless of whether or not the phone is discontinued.
something else which concerns me and i am sure you would all agree to this is before any company will change over to another company or pre paid account they will not do it until all outstanding money has been paid over...i have been on pre paid for more than a year with virgin but i dont use the phone i just leave it in my office with a message to advise customers of my new number.
and believe me this wasnt the only issue i have had with virgin hence the reason i changed back to mtn...
i had no cellphone contact for 3 months due to some porting issue they had yet i still paid the bill for all 3 months...and there is more but i am not gona waste time with it...its past.
my question is where are my rights as a consumer?
dave please delete the other post
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