Cosatu 'marginalised'
Cosatu's "ongoing marginalisation" by the tripartite alliance has aggravated unemployment and poverty, Zwelinzima Vavi says. Johannesburg - Cosatu's "ongoing marginalisation" by the tripartite alliance aggravated unemployment and poverty, Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi said on Wednesday.
Vavi told a news briefing in Johannesburg that the ANC-led alliance continued to marginalise some of its members in the policy-making process, particularly the Congress of SA Trade Unions (Cosatu).
"Cosatu has gained freedom to advance the needs of the working class, but the systematical marginalisation it suffers only leads to delayed progress relating to unemployment and poverty issues," Vavi said.
He criticised the African National Congress government for adopting policies which overlooked key poverty issues, focusing only on enriching the elite few.
He mentioned the Accelerated and Shared Growth Initiative, the Growth, Employment and Redistribution (Gear) policy and black economic empowerment in this regard.
"Today not only marks the 10th anniversary of Gear, but the 10 years of unemployment and poverty while the rich continue to get even richer," he said.
"Cheap labour is reproduced in a form of sub-contracting and the exploitation of undocumented migrant workers," Vavi said.
He also warned that South Africa could be sliding towards a dictatorship if reports that some members of the ANC executive manipulated independent institutions like the national prosecuting authority (NPA) and the SABC were true.
"What is clear is that NPA does collaborate with elements in the media, wining and dining them to launch media trials and assassinate the character of targeted individuals.
"The perception also exists that the national intelligence agency and other state organs get deployed in the factional fights.
If it is true that these institutions are manipulated to settle political scores or interfere with free expressions, then we are in trouble," Vavi said.
Vavi's statements were drawn from the discussion document to be dealt with during Cosatu's annual congress to be held at Gallagher Estate in September.
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