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Thread: Vending Machines - To Buy Or Not To Buy?

  1. #1
    Email problem derekjay's Avatar
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    Post Vending Machines - To Buy Or Not To Buy?

    Benefits of Getting A Free Vending Machine VS Buying One

    Vending machines have become a real part of the furniture in the modern day office, and any office without one is sure to have some hungry employees! The big question is however, should you buy a vending machine for the office (and keep the profits), or get a free one who someone else looks after?

    Whilst there are some clear benefits to owning a vending machine in the office, such as generating a profit, etc, the downside is often greater than that of just getting a free one from a vendor.

    No Purchase Costs

    Getting a free vending machine from a vendor means that you have zero purchase costs. Most combination vendors go for about $5000 upwards, which is quite a large amount of money for a midday treat…. Oftentimes that sort of money could be better spent elsewhere in the business (debt repayments, leases, staff, etc)

    No Maintenance Costs

    This is a big one – what happens when the machine breaks or needs to be repaired and you're the one that owns it? Quite simple really – you need to pay. Since vending machines are very mechanical, repairs and maintenance can be very costly. Getting a free vending machine from a vendor eliminates this responsibility and cost.

    No Need To Stock

    This is the greatest challenge for any company who own their own vending machine – stocking it. The average vending machine will need to be stocked 1-2 times per week with fresh stock, which also needs to be purchased from a viably priced distributor. In addition, a staff member needs to be designated for the task and a register needs to be kept to ensure that the numbers add up. This in itself is a lot of work, and can become a waste of time for a busy company.

    As you can see, owning your own vending machine can be quite a bit of work. Whilst it may be suitable for some companies, it is to a large degree not the best idea for a small business or enterprises with more important tasks at hand. Weigh up the odds before diving in and make sure that your make the right choice!

    If you're looking for a free vending machine for your office, have a look at - connecting offices with vendors.

  2. #2
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    I always wanted my own vending machine especially for soft drinks I love it... I love the mechanics and I am able to fix and maintain it myself, once you get to know the machine “getting the right parts” takes some getting use too but it is not impossible.

    Sadly getting one in good condition for a good price that is impossible especially the one that uses the Coca-Cola glass bottles “that is the one I am looking for”
    Last edited by tec0; 13-Dec-10 at 11:09 PM.
    peace is a state of mind
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    derekjay (14-Dec-10)

  4. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I looked at getting one of those little Nescafe vending machines for the office once. They're not exactly cheap

    I decided to stick with the kettle, fridge and tea/coffee in tins deal.

  5. #4
    Diamond Member
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    If you can organize a free BEER vending machine - I'll take 2 for the workshop :-)

  6. #5
    Email problem derekjay's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    If you can organize a free BEER vending machine - I'll take 2 for the workshop :-)
    Haha... Now there's an idea... Tell you what - you get the liquor license, I'll organize the machine

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