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Thread: looking for DOM (Disk On Modules) supplier

  1. #1
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    looking for DOM (Disk On Modules) supplier

    Hi all,

    Does anyone know who sells DOM (Disk On Modules), preferable IDE / USB one's, and preferable in JHB?
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  2. #2
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    If anyone knows where I can get DOM's, or even of an embedded PC supplier in the JHB / eastrand area, please let me know.
    I'm specifically looking for 44pin IDE DOM's if possible.
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  3. #3
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Honestly if you find a supplier let me know. The question is what do you want to use them for? If you are planning on using them for direct storage and perhaps run an OS on them then what kind of OS?

    I know it is possible to make a standard USB drive 8 GB minimum bootable with Vista and or win7 I don’t know if other OS versions are available but Linux it seems also have a reasonable option available.

    But I did find hits on EBay for the 44 pin IDE and a standard 40 Pin on Amazon, Other than that I don’t have a clue...
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  4. #4
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    Well, I want to install a modified Linux distro on it which will then run on a NAS system
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    I cannot say if it will work or not, but maybe you can try the bootable USB as an option. I got my computer to boot between two OS systems using nothing more than two flash drives. I will admit when it comes to serious number crunching the flash drives do get hot AND I did experience a blue screen so it is not perfect “especially with windows”

    My next step is Linux but I know that Linux is more acceptable, You can boot from a CD so I am sure you will get it to work with little trouble “or a lot of trouble” but it is worth a shot. The reason why I say this is, a USB drive is easy to get and reasonable when it comes to cost to import the DOM is going to be expensive and time consuming to get.

    Good luck.

    *** Edit ***

    I would rather use something like a CF Card. The setup ask for an compatible docking station BUT the majority of the CF Card is external thus you can fit a small heat-sink and fan on to it. Also it is 30Mb/s and that will accommodate a bit more crunch because it is build for high speed.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	SanDisk.jpg 
Views:	318 
Size:	35.3 KB 
ID:	1805  
    Last edited by tec0; 30-Dec-10 at 08:52 PM.
    peace is a state of mind
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  6. #6
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    I already tried USB memory sticks, but they're slow (I need quick bootup times) and have limited write cycles, which is a problem for log files & swap. Due to the nature of what I need todo, I can't rely on having a hard drive for swap or log files.

    The CF card works ok'ish, but it's external - I need something that's internal. where a client can mess around with th CF card. Many printers use CF to store their firmware on, and if you know you're way around it, then you'll quickly be able to bypass the authentication for print mailboxes and the company won't be able to track your print usage - this is just an example though.

    In this case I'm building a NAS, that needs fast bootup times and should be fail safe. Since DOM's / CF cards / etc don't have moving parts, they don't generate (as much) heat, nor will they fail as quick as hard drives do.

    Disk On Modules generally run on IDE busses, so they won't interfere with the SATA / SAS buses if something goes wrong on the SATA / SAS bus. SATA systems will re-map bus 1-> 0, 2->1, 3->2, etc when bus0 fails.

    But, I could probably use an SSD, and run it on an individual SATA port using a SATA PCIE card, and configure it to run in IDE mode. The only problem is that I'll then have to sacrifice a PCIE bus, and slot in the PC chassis, which could have been used for a hardware RAID card or extra 10GB / Fibre NIC.
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  7. #7
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    What is a "NAS"

  8. #8
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    Ok, I figured it out.

    Try Centurion Micro:

    There guys are the leading embedded computer supplier in ZA.

    Are you planning to only have the OS on the flash?

    You could mount CF, SD, MMC inside the unit on a PCI card. IDE - SD converters are'nt hard to find.

  9. #9
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    I found something but it is not big 128mb but maybe if you ask them?

    Got 1 more

    *** EDIT ***

    I think this is what you are looking for yes

    Super Talent 16GB Right 7-pin SATA Flash Disk Module

    *** EDIT ***

    When I started to Google for FDM IDE and FDM SATA I got better results
    Hope it helped.
    Last edited by tec0; 31-Dec-10 at 09:19 AM.
    peace is a state of mind
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  10. #10
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    Thanx for the links, but I was actually looking for a supplier, not a reseller

    You generally get 3 orientated DOM's, left-side & ride-side horizontals and vertical, depending on what motherboard you use and what chassis you use. i.e. if you use an ITX board and card, you'll want a horizontal one, but depending on where the IDE port is, you may need left, or right.

    BUT, what I'm actually looking for is a dual DOM, i.e. where 2 DOM's share the IDE port as mater & slave. And these resellers don't seem to have it. But, I'm getting the idea that everyone is moving towards SATA, so I'll have to see if I can use SATA SSD's instead. Ideally I don't want to use up a hard drive bay, but would have preferred not to use up a SATA port as well. Many server boards still have IDE ports which could have worked well for this.

    P.S. Wantitall overcharges a LOT!
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