I have dedicated this post to all the new business owners as well as existing business owners planning to get a "home" on the internet
First of all:
A Domain Name:
This is essential to get a domain name for your website
This can be .co.za /.com/ .net/ .biz and much more
When thinking about a domain name this should either be your company name or your service offered for example websitedesign.co.za this essentially helps alot to rank on Search Engines as well and should always be kept in mind
What Will a domain Name cost?
Domain Names prices range from R150 per year up
This is to add your site to a live server and to be able to use email accounts at your domain name
Hosting is a critical part in your website as this will determine your site up time as well as site speed
How much does Hosting Cost?
Hosting prices range from R20.00 per month upwards depending on your requirements
Website Design:
Before saying to yourself you want a website you would need to answer the following points
What would you end goal be with your website? Online shop, promoting your business etc
Would you like to be able to update your own website?
Flash, Image Quality? Do you want a fancy website or one that works and gets results?
Additional Questions will be added depending on your req uirements
How much would web design cost?
This can range from R350 per page to R1000 per page depending on your requirements and additional services for example database management etc
Please feel free to comment on this post should you require any help with phrases etc
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