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Thread: SA Informed December Newsletter

  1. #1
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    SA Informed December Newsletter

    Please check out my newsletter for December.

    Am trying ot build my subscriber base.

    <<———————————————— —>>
    Thank You for being a Valued Subscriber
    <<———————————————— —>>

    As you should have noticed, I have been sending you Informed emails, but now real Newsletter as yet.The reason for this being that I only have few people subscribed to my Newsletter so far. I have 11 people on my Newsletter list at the moment. And with CHRISTMAS being around the corner I am typing this Newsletter just for YOU.

    Now to the News!!!

    Green Win Network has relaunched their Biz Model. Their will be no more SUBSCRIPTION fees. This will have millions more people joining GWN. In the short run we may loose on commisions but in the long run whe will surely win. They will be taking more a facebook approach, revenue being generated from advertisements. Their will still be revenue from Sure Calls, Membership Special Benefits Upgrades, Greenwin Supermall, Green Electricity, GWN Online Store etc. Adds will be shown all over the GWN Social Network, Mobile and Web Apps etc. generating GWN revenue and us commisions.

    If you are not a member yet, their is no better time to join and start capitalizing on the GWN phenomenon. GWN will be on ALEXA’s top 5 within a year with their new Biz Model. is a South African PPC ( Pay Per Click ) website where you can earn an extra R30 a month without referring people. R30 may not be much, but when it comes to online income every cent counts. By refering people you can increase that dramatically by earning on their clicks aswell.

    From all the South African online competition directories, JustPlay is my favorite.
    They seem to be just one step above the rest. I have never won a competition as yet, but I am still entering. Like they say in afrikaans “AANHOUERS WEN”

    Have you thought about making money placing sports bets. Their are strategies for beating the bookie and walking away a winner every time. Read up on arbitrage strategies in Sports Betting. Artbitrage Strategy involves exploiting the difference between two bookies and capitalizing on it.
    You can open an account at Sportingbet with a risk free bet of up to R1500. You win you keep the winnings. You loose, you don’t loose anything.

    Have you downloaded your free copy of Super Speed Internet & Browser Assistant –>>
    I have been saving up to 60% on bandwidth with this little app.

    Also I have added a widget to blog where the TOP COMMENTATOR for December, will receive free advertising space for the whole of January.
    Please visit my blog and start participating in discussions.

    That is it, SHORT and SWEET!!

    Please share my newsletter subscription link

    NJOY Your Christmas!!

    To Your Success
    B.J. Steyn
    Concept Development

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    BJ, have you sent that mailshot out yet?

  3. #3
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    BJ, have you sent that mailshot out yet?
    Hey Dave, YES.

    If you are going to point out spelling mistakes. I KNOW MY SPELLING SUCKS!!

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjsteyn View Post
    Hey Dave, YES.

    If you are going to point out spelling mistakes. I KNOW MY SPELLING SUCKS!!
    OK then. Moving on...

    Spelling and syntax does affect the impression one gets! It's not so critical in some forms of communication, but with newsletters I think it's important.

    I suggest in future get someone to proof read your draft newsletter for you. If you don't have anyone available, maybe if you post it in the members area and ask us to check it for you.

  6. #6
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Hey Dave, i probably could reduce the "typos" if I tried.

    Focussing on spelling for me is just time consuming.

    I will take note of your advice, and try and focus a bit more on spelling.

    I will post my next newsletter here for review, Thanx.

    If have tried avoiding the spelling brain strech, but following your advice I can no longer ignore the obvious.

    I surrender . My spelling must improve . I will come back with a vengence and my next news letter will have a standing ovation for my spelling

  7. #7
    Diamond Member
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    BJ, a couple of points:

    1. Don't tell people how many subscribers you have - they should think that you have hundreds.
    2. You should have somebody proof read what you write, not only for spelling but also for grammar and the usage of capital letters.
    3. The words "there" and "their" are both correctly spelled but they are used incorrectly.
    4. You must realize that we do not write as we speak, our writing needs to have structure.

    The problem with bad spelling and grammar is that it makes you look like a fool. I say this because a good secretary is taught to write properly. Now I know that as creative entrepreneurs we do care about such trivialities as spelling, but you must remember that some of your customers may be very well read.

    One way of improving your writing is to read what you write. Do this over and over a couple of times.

    The best way to learn to write creatively is to read, read & read. I personally think that your writing is really good, all it needs it some polishing.

  8. #8
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Hey Adrianh,

    Yes it probably wasn't a good idea to announce my subscriber base. If I could do it over I probably wouldn't have. At the moment I am trying to do to much at once, and am not getting anything done right. I need to create a time management plan.

    My blog is just the first in a pipeline of multiple ideas that are all working towards my main goal. To build a network of opportunities and support for South Africans online.

    The internet is a billion dollar industry. Hugely untapped by South African's for making money. My aim is to get a force of knowledge, tools, opportunites and support for South Arican's to be able to make money online and from home biz opportunities.Let south africa take their slice of the pie ( hopefully a big slice.)

    Their are so many South African's searching online but so few real answers for them.

    I am currently have 2 websites in the short pipeline.

    I am currently working on a forum that will be launching, hopefully still this month. Ant it will be all about the money.

    The second website, wil be a place where a South African can make some quick cash and/or work from home. For the obvious reasons, i don't want share the idea as yet.


  9. #9
    Silver Member bjsteyn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    BJ, a couple of points:

    4. The words "there" and "their" are both correctly spelled but they are used incorrectly..
    Gramar and spelling has always been my less favorite task. Give me anything analytical and I won't dissapoint. Not that I am saying, i am completely hopeless . I am just very critical about my own work.

    Thanks for the tips Adrian


  10. #10
    Diamond Member
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    99% of selling is the art of communication, be it verbal, written or even in body language.

    Imagine a perfectly dressed, stunning pretty blonde comes to see you to give you a presentation about the latest IT technology. She stumbles into your office because she's not used to wearing heels. She sits down, takes out a folder and starts her presentation. The girl has difficulty with words like "are" and "is" and doesn't speak clearly. She goes around in circles and you can't quite figure out what she's on about. When she's done she hands you a brochure. You look at the brochure and not only do you see a coffee stain, but the document has numerous spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.

    Will you buy the product in spite of all this - I bet not.

    We need to see ourselves and our businesses from the customer's perspective. The only contact that he has with you might be via the written word. You must remember that people get lots and lots of email and your mail has to attract their attention.

    Bottom line, read read read, not only stuff written by others but also your own writing. I've sent many an email only to realize 10 seconds after sending it that it was badly worded, off the cuff or simply sarcastic. Maybe what one should do is to write a piece or email and wait a least 15 minutes before re-reading it and then decide whether to send it.

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