>>> Cheryl Whitaker 22/11/2010 09:43 >>>
>>> <doug@sasm.co.za> 2010/11/22 09:23 AM >>>
http://www.sasm.co.za/ )
Nov 22, 2010
Dear Cheryl,Important information - Licence Suspension - Proclamation
in the government gazette.
Those that have attended our AARTO seminars are aware that since June
2009 SASM has highlighted that a possible amendment to the National road
Traffic Act was in the making, whereby Magistrates would be granted
extra power to suspend driving licences in instances where motorists
exceed 30km/h above the speed limit in urban areas (eg: 90+ km/h in a 60
km/h zone) and 40km/h above the speed limit outside an urban area.
This is now law as from 20/11/2010 and magistrate where necessary can
flex their muscles and now suspend your licence. The simple principle
now applies do not speed under any circumstances. The risk is great, the
outcome is disastrous.
View the amendments here DRIVING LICENCE SUSPENSION (
http://www.sasm.co.za/articles/Drivi...-Suspension/5/ ).
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