i am looking for a bail out...about R3 million should do it...
it seems this is becoming the norm all over the world...not just africa...i noticed ireland is now looking for a couple billion pounds
the lifestyles of the rich and famous (goverments...live luxury lifestyles and always on TV for some crimminal activity...fraud corruption...rape...ethnic wipe out...etc etc ) doesnt seem to change...yet the sucker...the tax man must always bail them out...so now when times are hard how about a bail out plan for comapnies...the tax payer.
i could do with R3 million to improve my lifestyle...enjoy a couple of trips around the world.
you will notice the politicians lifestyles never change just the level of debt of the country changes.
you would never think there were starving people in africa...the way the politicians live...yet people pump billions into these countries...then you open your eyes and realise the politicians are selling out the riches...of the people.
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