Eitai, firstly congrats on passing your honours.
With regards to banks, have you considered Nedbank Private Bank yet? I have been a client since 2005 and can honestly say the service is fantastic - the fees are R200 per month and unlike ABSA platinum you actually have a dedicated private banker.
I would like to share a quick story with you. In 2009 after spending 3 months trying to find a bulldog, I finally found one in Gauteng. Due to the enormous amount of bulldog scams doing the rounds I was exceptionally cautious. Anyways I did the transfer of R7000 for the dog plus air cargo and crating costs, got the flight details from the breeder and went to the airport to collect my dog. On arrival at the cargo area I was told by security to go to another building, on arrival there I spoke to the kindly gent behind the counter, he checked his logs and said no dogs had arrived, he even went to the holding area to check for me, nothing. Mild panic sets in, I call the breeder - her phone is off, continue trying to call her for 10 minutes,... phone still off - mild panic is now anger. I contacted my private banker, told her that I suspected I had been scammed and what could be done about the EFT I had done the previous day, she called me back as I was driving home and told me that they had closed the breeders bank account and my funds would 'bounce' back after a few days. As luck would have it, as I hung up from that phone call the breeder called me, long story short - the bulldog had been on the plane and was actually at the first cargo area I had gone to (where the security guard had told me I was at the wrong place) - I had told the breeder that her account may have been closed and advised that she go to the bank the next day, I in turn called my banker as well. As it turns out the breeders account had been closed but that was sorted out. I'll never forget the breeder saying to me.... 'who the hell are you' and my response was simply 'just a nedbank private banking client'
The bulldog is fit, fat and filthy

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