I posted this on Broadband Forum but so far not much success !
Can somebody help.?
I have difficulty in connecting my Routers.
Firstly I have my ADSL router connected ( wired ) to my first AP wireless router and from there I string the wireless routers further into the house . All routers are Canyon N series. I want to setup a WAN and to do this I have put the ISP info into the first AP wireless router and connected the LAN cable to the WAN port on the AP router.?
My question : In order to "string " the routers further into the house I have to enter a new SSID and AP router SSID into each of the following routers and set these to "repeater" mode. Does this mean that router 4 will try to connect direct to AP router or will it connect through router 3 ? And if not......how do I get it to connect through router 3 ?
I find that the signal gets progressively weaker as I connect to routers along the line up to where router 4 will not connect to the WAN.
Also on the PC...........do I put the Gateway as that of the AP router ? And what DNS ?
Should I use the "repeater" function in 2,3 and 4 or the "AP Bridge WDS"
I am totally clueless at this stage.
I hope I have explained this correctly !
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