Did you know that GroFin chooses to follow a sustainability policy that assists in the development of SMEs in a environmentally and socially responsible way.
Applicants are required to acknowledge that they are not involved in the following activities, which form part of GroFin’s Prohibited Activity list:
1. forced labour or child labour
2. activities that are illegal
3. weapons and munitions
4. significant activity in tobacco or related products
5. significant activity in alcoholic beverages (excluding beer and wine)
6. pornography or prostitution
7. significant activity in gambling
8. endangered wildlife
9. radioactive materials (excluding medical equipment)
10. unbonded asbestos fibres
11. cross-border trade in waste
12. logging operations in primary tropical moist forest.
13. polychlorinated biphenyls (found in oil filled capacitors, transformers and switchgear before 1985)
14. pharmaceuticals subject to international phase outs or bans
15. pesticides/herbicides subject to international phase outs or bans
16. ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and other hazardous substances subject to international phase-outs or bans
17. hazardous chemicals
18. drift net fishing
19. degradation of critical habitats
20. racist and anti-democratic media
21. significant alteration of any critical cultural heritage
22. relocation of indigenous peoples from traditional or customary lands
23. speculative real estate development
24. production or activities that impinge on indigenous peoples’ land, without full documented consent of such peoples
GroFin does offer term loans from 3 to 5 years from R500 000 to R7 million.
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