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Thread: Directors Duties and Liabilities in RSA

  1. #21
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    Directors Duties and Liabilities in RSA

    LD and Ruiter In Swart - thanks for the information which was incredible - and thanks to several others for the PM'd stuff and info as well - especially the stuff on LVK Trust cc and the Willem Storm Attorney involvement - seriously fishy stuff there, my mate is taking this up at high speed - this has to get investigated by a higher authority - its just a big scam. I spoke with my friend just now and have been told that he will E publish the transcripts and papers in due course or pass it to you for publication and linking on this forum. It will certainly set the cat among the pigeons. There is no doubt it is a serious case of fraud, embezzlement and theft - and a confirmed Ponzi scheme (thanks for sorting that LD). This has been established legally by LD. I understand there is much happening now and lots afoot. LD it will almost certainly end up in criminal charges - however there is as always a possibility that they strike some sort of deal - these slimy creatures always manage to wangle away. Lets wait and see mmmmmmmh. Thanks for the details - and all the help. Man, this forum is red hot and there are a lot of helpful people on here. The Grieve saga is going to be one to watch.......I don't think they are ever going to open a business here again though - and probably not overseas either if charges are pressed home. That will almost also certainly sound the death knell on the illustrious Dr DS Grieve medical career as well. Interestingly we found out that of his R28 million rands worth of investor creditors - his single biggest creditor is the person he must have once most admired and looked up to - his own big brother. He apparently took him for around R10 million rand under the guise of the "highly safe" investment business which he had already stopped and ceased running before his brother was convinced to invest in it early last year....He never even told him he was closing the company or anything - and apparently has never repaid him a single cent - not a cent!......the old fella who was already medically boarded and on ongoing treatment lost his pension, house, cars etc and was bankrupted somewhere in New Zealand in, that is hard core and cold-hearted - to sink your own, seriously, you have to be cuckoo or psychopathic to do that....what could ever ever make a man do that to his own flesh and blood??. Take ALL his money and not even tell him he was closing down his businesses, not even warn him, in fact from what I was told, he actually convinced him everything was going so well that he even prompted the old man to go on and sign sales and purchase agreements on his house and another property just days before the liquidation when he knew he wasn't going to give him any money back.....- just held his hand, patted him on the shoulder and led him blindfold to the slaughter house -saying "don't worry brother - trust me - I am your eyes" and then lined him up to be shot - Unbelievable! There is quite a story to be told on this - I could not believe what I was told either - or the background to this whole story. This doctor is seriously deranged - why would anyone do this to his brother that obviously had enough trust, faith and love to put his life savings in his, that is cold. What could possibly make a person this greedy and despicable? Wonder how he lives with himself - knowing, that is cold-hearted. I am astounded...

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    Lawyer Destroyer (03-Nov-10), Ruiter In Swart (03-Nov-10)

  3. #22
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    Die Dokter Grieve Storie

    Hoe meer ek hoor en lees hoe meer is ek oortuig hierdie ou dokter is n' sleg moer jong. Wag totdat ek my kant opsit. Die storie raak elke dag erger.....

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    Asterix (06-Nov-10), Lawyer Destroyer (03-Nov-10)

  5. #23
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    The story getting worse is good, it means the story is getting out.


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    Asterix (06-Nov-10), Lawyer Destroyer (03-Nov-10)

  7. #24
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    Directors Duties and Liabilities in RSA

    Asterix/Ruiter - this is one of the ugliest most treacherous ones I have seen. I have a lot more info, will fill you both in by pm. Its a bad one, but this guy will go to down hard. It is getting clearer and clearer.

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    Asterix (06-Nov-10)

  9. #25
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    Dr Grieve se storie

    Ja nee jong Andy - hys n regte slegte blik sem...jy weet wat ek meen.
    Die goed wat julle my gestuur het is ongelooflik. Ek kan dit nie glo nie.

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    Asterix (06-Nov-10)

  11. #26
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    Directors Duties and Liabilities in RSA

    The link and obvious relationship between Dr DS Grieve - Willem Storm Attorney - and LVK Trust is getting clearer - or is that murkier. Interestingly enough running a credit check on the now defunct businesses and Dr DS Grieve reveals that LVK Trust cc knew (by a miracle?) somehow a long time before that he was going under and was checking up on him regularly - and I mean regularly. The online Government Green Gazette reveals that Pretoria Attorney Willem Storm was dealing with Dr DS Grieve and co before against other businesses. The link between LVK Trust CC and Willem Storm Attorney - as everybody in Pretoria a matter of a simple dotted line - fully connected. So now we have a state of affairs whereby Dr DS Grieve in concert with Willem Storm Attorney in concert with others is liquidating a company with a lot of cash money missing .......and declaring same excuses as in other liquidations. Time to get out the magnifying glass on this lot. Ben - time to get a combined legal and SARS investigative audit team in to do some retrospective case examination perhaps ?? 2 years would be good - this one smells like an old fish.

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    Asterix (06-Nov-10)

  13. #27
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    Die Dokter Grieve se stories

    Ek praat met een van my pelle gisteraand wat die ou dokter en sy vrou ken. Hy vertel dat hulle nou blykbaar alles blameer op die "slegte" raad wat hulle by ou Willem Storm Prokureur van Pretoria gekry het en hoe "useless" hy is. Hy het hulle blykbaar gewaarborg dis alles oor en klaar in onder ses maande....Daar smeer hulle hom nou ook sommer met n' teer borsel swart ook. Dit lyk my die ou en sy vrou lieg meer as n' Engelse TV weer voorspel. Almal is verkeerd en almal het hulle ingedoen en almal is onnodig kwaad vir hulle.....die bliksems. Die dokter vertel dis alles die bank se skuld, want hulle wou hom nie meer geld leen nie - leen vir wat ? leen hom geld vir wat ?? sy geld leen besigheid was lankal toe - April maand laas jaar al.... die blik emmer - geld groei nie op bome nie ou perd.....Hulle het blykbaar eenvoudig net n' Ponzi skema gehardloop en is nou uitgevang en hy gaan verseker tronk toe. Die vrou is ook blykbaar n' Artclay Instrukteur gewees wat haar lesse gebruik het om mense te identifieseer wat geld het om in hulle Ponzi skema in te trek. En dis nou die tweede Ponzi skema vir die dekselse dokter...Hy moet maar swaai en sy ook en die prokureur en die likwidateer as hulle gekonkel het......

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    Asterix (06-Nov-10)

  15. #28
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    Dr DS Grieve a Pathological Liar....?

    LD/RIS/Andy D, Others - if there is one thing becoming clearer and clearer, and it must be to even a casual onlooker - is that Dr DS Grieve (and his wife) is a Pathological liar. I am reliably told that this surfaced recently when he was caught out again and again and again under oath - lying.... I have some photos coming of the pair of them at the University of Pretoria GIBS MBA course function in public as well as some photos of the doctor on a previous course which I will put up once they are sent to me. I have also located some pics of the "comfort caller" Ina Papenfus who covered for this scoundrel and sold the concerned creditors a pack of lies knowingly for months on end instead of taking the moral high ground honestly and righteously and her fiance the Grieves right hand man Andre Botha of Centurion who now works for Sucubati in Sandton and who secretly stripped all the physical assets (that Grieve declared stolen by his employees) out of the company on Grieve's instructions and stored them away from deserving creditors. I will post these linked up soon - just waiting for them to be displayed by someone else on a digi pic storage site.

    So Dr DS Grieve - Pathological Liar? - read this - according to very good resources there is a tick in each and every box ...

    So what you may ask is a pathological liar and how does a person recognise them ?

    Identifying a Pathological LiarPathological liars - or "mythomaniacs" - may be suffering from histrionic personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder. The following comments basically reflect a pathological liar who has the characteristics of histrionic personality disorder.

    Some characteristics
    1. Exaggerates things that are ridiculous.
    2. One-upping. Whatever you do, this person can do it better. You will never top them in their own mind, because they have a concerted need to be better than everyone else. This also applies to being right. If you try to confront an individual like this, no matter how lovingly and well-intentioned you might be - this will probably not be effective. It's threatening their fantasy of themselves, so they would rather argue with you and bring out the sharp knives than admit that there's anything wrong with them.
    3. They "construct" a reality around themselves. They don't value the truth, especially if they don't see it as hurting anyone. If you call them on a lie and they are backed into a corner, they will act very defensively and say ugly things (most likely but depends on personality), but they may eventually start to act like, "Well, what's the difference? You're making a big deal out of nothing!" (again, to refocus the conversation to your wrongdoing instead of theirs).
    4. Because these people don't value honesty, a lot of times they will not value loyalty. So watch what you tell them. They will not only tell others, but they will embellish to make you look worse. Their loyalty is fleeting, and because they are insecure people, they will find solace in confiding to whomever is in their favor at the moment.
    5. They may be somewhat of a hypochondriac. This can come in especially useful when caught in a lie, for example, they can claim that they have been sick, or that there's some mysteriously "illness" that has them all stressed out. It's another excuse tool for their behavior.
    6. Obviously, they will contradict what they say. This will become very clear over time. They usually aren't smart enough to keep track of so many lies (who would be?).

    Another WikiAnswers contributor adds:
    They lie about even the smallest things. For example, saying "I brushed my teeth today," when they didn't.
    They add exaggerations to every sentence.
    They change their story all the time.
    They act very defensively when you question their statements.
    They believe what they say is true, when everyone else knows it isn't.

    An alternate 'checklist':Lies when it is very easy to tell the truth.
    Lies to get sympathy, to look better, to save their butt, etc.
    Fools people at first but once they get to know him, no one believes anything they ever say.
    May have a personality disorder.
    Extremely manipulative.
    Has been caught in lies repeatedly.
    Never fesses up to the lies.
    Is a legend in their own mind.

    More opinions and input from WikiAnswers contributors:

    I have found a few differences in pathological liar and a "slime ball" liar. Pathological liars cannot tell that they are lying; they actually believe the lie as soon as it comes out of their mouth. They lie about unimportant things that don't really matter to anyone. This can be caused by mental defect but isn't always. Slime-ball liars lie about things that make them look better or embellish to get attention. They also lie to keep their butts out of trouble and to get what they want.
    Here are things to ask yourself: How could this many things happen to one person? Would believe these stories if someone else told you? Think back to the beginning: you had red flags and alarms going off in you head. Learn to trust your instincts.
    It is very hard to tell when one is a pathological liar. Some people just are liars and lie to lie because they can and they don't care about getting caught and aware that you know they have lied. These people care not about lying, it's no big deal. It's like "ok, so what? I lied". The pathological liar on the other hand, IS aware that they are lying BUT will go to extremes to make you believe that they are truthful. They appear to believe their own lies BUT in truth, they know their lies are just that, lies. But because their efforts are constantly backing up their lies, it appears to us that they actually believe their lies, when we eventually do find out about them and then we tend to feel sorry for these people. Then they have an excuse, "I am sick, I don't know why I lie, I believed what I was saying etc." The only truth was the fact that they don't know why they lie. Other than that it's crap. It is true that most of them have an extremely low sense of self worth and are continuously trying to make themselves feel better about THEMSELVES and this is one reason they lie. It is about them but the lies are not always set up with the purpose to hurt some one else; it's that these people feel so low about themselves they need to create ANYTHING different from the ugly reality they feel about themselves so they lie about even the most tiniest little thing. The people closest to them get sucked into these lies which sometimes start as something very trivial and then turn into something that can turn everyone involved worlds upside down and inside out.
    Unmasking the pathological liar is an easier task when the pathological liar is no more than a casual acquaintence to the "un-masker." Close relationships provide camouflage for the pathological liar, and intimacy provides a heavily-fortressed breeding ground.
    Other indicators: 1) Rage attacks after they realize you're questioning their lies. 2) Distraction techniques, e.g. hanging up the phone when you catch them in lie, playing word games, or even just running out of the room. After using the distraction technique, or rage attack, or sometimes both, they will pretend that nothing ever happened. They re-write history, so it never did happen in their minds. Normal people do it too, but these people take it to the extreme.
    From "Go Ask Alice": Lies are unplanned and impulsive. Behavior is repeated over a long period of time. Lies don't seem to exist for any external reason. Behavior may not always be a conscious act. Lies are admitted, changed, and/or adapted if a false story is challenged.
    From Andrea Broadbent "The Truth about Truman": To begin, the definition of pathological actually means abnormal or grossly atypical. Therefore, a pathological liar prevaricates more frequently than the average person or tells more abnormal lies. In most cases, pathological liars tell lies that are "unplanned and impulsive" (Hausman). These lies are usually very emotional stories that tend to serve no purpose except to impress people (Ford 133). As of now, psychiatrists are unsure whether or not pathological liars are fully capable of realizing if and when they are lying, so detecting whether or not a person is a pathological liar is a very difficult task (Hausman). By looking at the list of conditions commonly connected with people considered to be pathological liars, psychiatrists are better able to determine whether or not a person might actually have the disorder. Some main qualities linked with pathological liars include dysfunctional family origin, family lying patterns, anomalies of sexual life, frequent substance abuse, and a great capacity for language.
    From Raymond Lloyd Richmond, Ph.D. "Psychological Honesty": Even a pathological liar carries deep in his heart a desire for goodness and honesty and yet, because of painful emotional wounds, believes that the world never has, and never will, recognize his pain. And so, to hide that pain from himself, he uses all the lies he can concoct to hurl at the world as he runs in fear from his own goodness.

    For me, the first indication has been that I hear them tell different things to different people and they can't all be right, because they directly contradict each other! And I am able to prove it. If you can prove over and over again that things someone is telling you are outright false, then you have a pathological liar on your hands.

    With the Internet, it is now easier than ever to "fact-check" even the most mundane things. I think pathological liars often lose track of the lies they tell different people and it will eventually catch up with them.
    Last edited by Asterix; 06-Nov-10 at 07:49 AM.

  16. #29
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    Dr D Grieve en sy stories

    Ja nee jong - dis hy - dis sy pos benaming vir seker. Dis n' slegte mens die sonder twyfel. Wat maak mens so - ? die ou is mos n' dokter - hy kan mos baie geld verdien...

  17. #30
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    Feature Article & TV Documentary

    To all readers:- we are in the process of drafting a feature article on Dr DS Grieve and The Grieve Group Pyramid/Ponzi Investment Scheme/s for various national magazines/newspapers and compiling information and interviews for a short televised documentary. If anyone would like to share any currently unpublished information, photographs of Dr DS Grieve, his wife Sanet Grieve aka Sanet Grieve Botha, Grieve family members and relatives, the Botha family and relatives from Centurion and Welkom, in-laws, documents, contracts, names or details of victims - please email this dedicated email address :- all submissions received in strictest confidence.

    Nicolene C

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