Yes AVG free Edition was always considered our friend, you can get it for free and mostly the updates weren’t that big. But all of that is gone now. When I upgraded to AVG 2011 it took in total about 300MB from my 3G’s 1 GB cap and then it continued with 33.8Mb updates along with a few others.
Now as we all know our internet service providers are greedy selfish maggots that feed on the poor South African by forcing them to pay R300 more or less for 1GB of data. In that regard the old AVG was golden it didn’t eat as much.
But all of that is gone now... the New AVG is hungry and its updates just made it unusable to the general public. I say this because the 33mb update fails halfway and then it restarts and it fails and it restarts eating away at your cap. In one night I have used 600MB on AVG? That is just messed up!!!!
So are there any recommendations on other free antivirus software or is disconnecting from the net and using VR computers our only option?
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