I heard an anouncement on the radio some time ago (about a year or so), some financial dude was saying that "The middle class is in the income of R500K/annum range, and this constitutes only 13% of the population". "The majority (74%) does not have a living wage, and the rich (10%), with the super-rich (3%)". This would make me one of the 71%?, but I can still afford a car and food, (rates/taxes/water/lights is becoming a problem though). The DJ questioned how these stats are defined, but I didn't hear the response, I had to get out of the car.

Can our society afford to live securely and comfortably with an income of R500K/annum? The surprising thought here, is that the "Middle class, Rich, and Super-rich" constitutes the major tax source, but this is only 29% of the population, so where is Gobbermint getting the cash that they are wasting?

Yes, I think the middle class is still here, but I don't think their earnings are anywhere near R500K/annum? probably closer to R250K?