something to think about...
if you are a customer who has had a certificate of compliance done for one of your properties and it is as illegal as many are that are issued latley...not filled out correctly...test not carried out of the installation left out in the have a small problem on your hands.
if you complain about the COC not being done correctly...YOU as the customer are in for a raw deal of note...why
because YOU will have to contact the DOL and pay for them to carry out an investigation at YOUR cost..
then they will contract a inspector at YOUR cost who will then issue YOU with a list of faults and a notice warning you that you have a limited time like 24 hours to address the list of problem at YOUR cost...and if you dont they will disconnect YOUR electricity.
YOU will then have to get a legit contractor to carry out the repairs at YOUR cost...then pay for a legal COC to be issued.
Then YOU will have to sue for the recovery of your money wasted at YOUR expense.
just something to think about the next time someone issues you with a coc.
and let me say this again and again...would you buy a car checked by the seller surely not and a property is a bigger investment than a car...a car you only pay for max 60 months unless you are stupid enough to have it with a residual or balloon payment at the end...a property you are likely to pay for the rest of your life...DONT SAY YOU WERENT WARNED...
i have just done an inspection report for a customer who purchased a house and i was asked to check the coc...issued by a company which specialising in issuing cocs (dont worry dave it wasnt your comapny)...and guess what the coc is with the eca for a claim against their R15000 workmanship guarerntee because the company is also a memebr of the eca...thats another joke but we will save that for another thread.
another joke today was an attorney contacting me about a coc i issued...i was told that i hadnt filledin the lot numbe rof the they were going to send me the coc so i could fill in the lot number and sign next to it...yeah right i have no idea what the lot number is... it is an exsisting installation not a new property and no alterations done so there are no drawings indicating the lot number...not even the owner knows the lot why would they fill in the lot number then send it to me to sign to verify it is correct...![]()
i should have agreed them sent them a bill for R80 for the telephone conversaion and another R120 for the fax...why didnt i think of that at the time i could have made and extra R200.
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