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Thread: riddle

  1. #1
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    then i got a riddle to figue out this morning just to make my day a little more interesting...

    i was called out to figue out why a circuit breaker trips.

    so while driving to the site my head is already puzzling with ideas and the route i will take to solve the mistery...

    first thing tong tester on the cable and carry out a load test...

    60 amp circuit breaker tripping...full load current 6.8 amps measured in the meter room while everything is running...

    ok so this sounds odd

    then just to put a spanner in the works...i am told that the circuit breaker doesnt trip durng the day only at night time...when they arrive in the morning the power is off in the meter room...and they switched the main switch in the DB off the ight i look around and find a disconnection notice fitted to a shroud...could it be this?

    so i advice the customer to contact durban meter and verify that they havent issued a disconnection notice for what ever reason...unfortunately ther eare no phone lines due to a fire...i woulnder if it was an electrical fire?

    if the power is off again tomorrow i will disconnect the supply cable and meger the cable to verify that there is not an insulation fault...which i find hard to believe because if there was it would trip during the no is when i wish i had one of those small cameras to fit in the meter room to see why and when the breaker goes off...i will also fit a recorder to find out what time the circuit breaker goes off.

    i see these little camers are becoming affordable...the last time i checked they where only around 5 grand...for a small plastic box which doesnt even look like ther eis a camera in it...everything is built in with a motion sensor to record only when ther eis movement...i thougt of leaving a camera like this on site to keep an eye on my staff but i dont think it would pick them up becaus ethey move so slowly

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Reminds me of a mystery tripping problem in a meter room a few years ago. After much testing, load balancing and data logging we busted an old lady who lived on the other side of the road breaking into the meter room after midnight each evening and knocking the 400A breaker off because the air conditioner noise on the roof was annoying her.


  3. #3
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    thats why the most important piece of equipment i will own soon will be a small spy camera...

    to keep and eye on my staff...i am watching you.

    for meeting with difficult customers who cant make up their minds then tell you they didnt say that...or mark locations for points on the wall then tell you they didnt put the mark where you chased the get the idea.

    to watch my equipment while on site recording....the most valueable use...considering the fluke 435 replacement value is the same price as a small island in the carabean.

    and also to use while doing infrared thermal i dont have to try remeber which images belong to where...load the date and time on the camera.

    and to leave at my wifes place of work to check up on her

  4. #4
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Just have a T-shirt with the words “you are under surveillance” Make the wording nice and big. People will think it a joke and forget about it. But when you wish to “use” your recordings the first thing that your lawyer will ask you is “did you give the person notice that he/ she was under surveillance? Then you can say yes.... Within reason
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

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