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Thread: Pump with Pressure Tank ???

  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Angry Pump with Pressure Tank ???

    Well with basically no water ALL the time now I am forced to upgrade to a lager water tank and to that end this damn pump. It has no diagram or flow indication so how do you connect it? I don’t know! I asked the people that work with the stuff and they are more interested to come and do the job for you at a cost of R450 per hour labour but no advice.

    So I included a photo that shows you what I see now I don’t know where the tank is to be connected “source” or the “outlet” any help would be appreciated
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    peace is a state of mind
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  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Normally the inflow is the lower point - outflow is the higher.

  3. #3
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    the advice is always free from the supplier...who supplied the unit?

    i am assuming you have a bladder on top to prevent it from switching on and off...with a pressure control switch etc?

    what are you trying to achieve?

    complete installation? piping and electrical?

  4. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    If you have no water then maybe the water table has dropped below the level that your wellpoint is sucking from......assuming this is a well point pump.

    If that's the case a newer/bigger/better pump won't help.

    As Dave suggested the suction is on the front and the discharge is on the top. Please be carefull, many pumps aren't rated to run dry for extended periods. Damage cause by this won't be covered under warranty.

    Here's a drawing of part of a system I specified a few years ago, not sure if it's relevant for your setup or not unless you can give more info..
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well what I am hoping for is to get the water from my 2500L tank into the pump with the bladder and from the pump to my house’s pluming. Well that was the plan. But I will be happy just to connect a hosepipe to the outlet of the pump so that I can utilise the water.

    How difficult can it be? The place where I got the pump from was about as helpful as a brick in the ocean. But If I can’t get it going by the end of today I am selling on... No use I have it and I can’t use it.
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    peace is a state of mind
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  6. #6
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Schematic would be something like this them.
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  7. #7
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    This is what I am dealing with and yes I have downloaded the useless manual form the website. Seriously is it that difficult to put 2 stickers on this damn thing. One stating IN and the outer OUT?

    Well this is what you see when you get your pump with the tank pressure thingy... So I am thinking that the best way to test it is by turning it on see if you can identify flow.

    I am thinking however that the top one is the “IN” and the other hole on the side is the “OUT” because of the location of the silver pipe. Well if I am wrong I am wrong...
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    peace is a state of mind
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  8. #8
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    why not connect both in/out to a bucket of water and turn it on ? Water will pump out the bucket and back into the bucket. You'll feel the suction and flow on the pipes in the bucket.

    Alternatively, you could crawl the internet for days trying to figure it out.

    Sometimes, you just gotta 'do'.
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  9. #9
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    I am basically doing that “loop both ends in a bucket and figure it out stage” the problem was I had to get some more fittings. So hopefully I will get it working and then I will post it on the net. The thing was I asked many people this question showing them the pictures or sometimes the pump itself and they also had no clue. So my own stupidity aside... I will probably get it working but you get so angry because if something goes wrong it is an expensive fix.
    peace is a state of mind
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  10. #10
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tec0 View Post
    I am thinking however that the top one is the “IN” and the other hole on the side is the “OUT” because of the location of the silver pipe. Well if I am wrong I am wrong...
    I've never seen a pump connected this way before, I think the braided hose you refer to is connected wrong. The front of the pump is 'in' (suction) and the top of the pump is 'out'(discharge). Connect the hoses and the electrics correctly, undo the small hexagonal brass nut and pour a litre of water into the pump before you switch on. Bob will be your uncle for sure. The schematic above is pretty close to what you're aiming for. The only thing that I didn't show on it is a check valve on the suction side of the pump often referred to as a 'foot valve'.

    Have a great weekend tinkering, I can tell you're looking forward to it.
    Last edited by AndyD; 10-Sep-10 at 01:41 PM.


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