What are the odds. We wanted to goto the shops to get some material for my wife to make some stuff. It's after 3PM already and the material factory is a good 45minutes drive away with all the robots and traffic into town.

We can't drive my car cause it's empty and I know the garage will be a bit busy right now. Ok, no problem, use the other car.
Neither can we drive my wife's car since the battery is flat. oh boy...
Luckily my mom's 4x4 is still here, but doesn't want to start. what now? I pop open the bonnet and see the battery terminal came loose. Fixed it, started the car, ready to go.
The gate won't open. I'm sure I put in a new battery a few months ago, and the light comes on. Call the cleaning lady, her remote doesn't work either. I still used my remote yesterday. And to top it off, I can't find the key for the gate motor so I can't even override the motor. AARRRGG!!!! Something tells me we shouldn't go out today