Hi guys,
Here are some past papers for aspiring Master Installation Electricians.
Good luck.
Oh, bugger...the files are too big to attach. I'll type them up instead.
Paper 1 Nov. 2009
Question 1: GENERAL
1.1 What duties are unique to a Master Installation Electrician according to the OHS Act, 1993 (Act 85 0f 1993) (2)
1.2 What criteria should a person comply with according to the Chief Inspector before he'she could be registered as an accredited Master Installation Electrician? (4)
1.3 For how long is an accredited person's status valid? (2)
1.4 Can a company apply to be registered as an accredited Master Installation Electrician? (2)
1.5 Can a person be registered as an accredited Master Installation Electrician without being an electrical contractor or an electrical consultant or electrical engineer? (2)
Question 2: SANS 10142 PART 1 2003
The wiring of premises (Low voltage installations)
This part of SANS 10142 (SABS 0142) covers:
2.1 Circuits supplied at nominal voltages up to and including:
2.1.1 .....V AC or (1)
2.1.2 .....V DC (1)
2.1.3 The standard frequency for AC is .......Hz (1)
The use other frequencies for special purposes is not excluded, Amdt 3
2.2 State FIVE aspects/parts of an electrical installation which are covered by this standard. (5)
2.3 Define the following terms as used in medical locations
2.3.1 Group 0 location (1)
2.3.2 Group 1 location (2)
2.3.3 Group 2 location (2)
3.1 Select from the group below the description best describing the different electrical supply system. Write only the corresponding letter (A - C) next to the answer.
3.1.1 IT supply system (1)
3.1.2 TNS supply system (1)
3.1.3 TN - C system (1)
(A) All exposed conductive parts of a consumer's installation are connected to a consumer's earth electrode which is electrically independent of the source earth.
(B) The source of earth is either connected to earth through a deliberate introduced high earthing impedance or it is isolated from earth (typically more than 1,000 ohms). All exposed conductive parts of a consumer's installation are connected to an earth electrode.
(C) The protective conductor (PE), which is connected to the source earth, is either a seperate conductor or the armour of the cable if the resistance of the armouring is such that the earth fault loop impedance complies with the requirements of 8.7.5 thereof. All exposed conductive parts of a consumer's installation are connected to this protective conductor via the supply earth terminal.
The classification of hazardous locations and the selection of apparatus for use in such locations.
4.1 A hazardous location classification study should only be undertaken once all relevant information is known. Describe FIVE different categories of information which is needed. (5)
4.2 The classification of locations where a flammable gas or vapour atmospheres could be present comprises of a few basic steps. Name these steps that should be followed. (5)
4.3 When the classification of atmospheres containing flammable/combustible dust is done, there are a number of factors pertaining to the dust that would influence the classification. Name TWO of these factors. (2)
4.4 Name TWO other standards that should primarily be used with SANS 10108 for classification of both atmospheres containing flammable dust or vapours and gasses. (2)
4.5 Give FOUR examples (not definitions) of areas containing flammable atmospheres that would fall under each of the following area classification categories:
4.5.1 Zone 0 (4)
4.5.2 Zone 2 (4)
4.5.3 Zone 21 (4)
4.6 The direct example method of area classification applies to three types of process/activity areas according to this standard. List these areas. (3)
QUESTION 5: SANS 60079 PART 0 2005
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres
Part 0 General requirements
5.1 Define the scope of this standard. (3)
5.2 Flammable gasses and vapours are divided into different classes and sub-classes. Name these different classes and sub-classes. (5)
QUESTION 6: SANS 60079 PART 10 2005
Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 10: Classification of hazardous areas
6.1 State the THREE grades of release as mentioned in this standard (3)
6.2 Explain the meaning of LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) and UEL (Upper Explosive Limit) (2)
6.3 Explain the principle of relative density of a gas or vapour (2)
QUESTION 7: SABS-IEC 61241 PART 3 1997
Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust.
Part 3: Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present.
7.1 According to this standard there are four principles to be followed when the classification for hazardous areas containing flammable dust is done. List these FOUR principles. (4)
7.2 Bag emptying station without exhaust ventilation within a building.
There is a picture involved, so I will use an explanation as best I can.
Bags are manually emptied frequently into a hopper, from which the contents are pneumatically conveyed into some other part of the factory. Part of the hopper is always filled with product.
Provide the area classification for the following areas and explain why you have allocated the particular classification to the areas described below:
7.2.1 The Building in which the hopper is located. (2)
7.2.2 The area around the hopper. (2)
7.2.3 The area inside the hopper. (2)
The control of undesireable static electricity
8.1 Provide a short explanation on how static electricity is generated between materials with different work functions. (2)
8.2 State the basic control methods for the prevention of static electricity build-up that could cause ignition of a flammable atmosphere if discharged, in the following cases:
8.2.1 Mobile apparatus such as trolleys. (2)
8.2.2 Rotating shafts. (2)
8.2.3 Non-conductive objects (2)
The following list contains industries that have process areas in their respective production facilities that contain flammable atmospheres. List TWO of the areas for each industry. Your description of the areas should be clear enough for a person not familiar with the process to understand why the areas are considered to be flammable atmospheres.
NOTE: For the purpose of this question flammable stores (oil and paint) are not considered part of the production processes.
9.1 Grain storage facilities (2)
9.2 Ink manufacturing plants (2)
9.3 Coach building areas (2)
9.4 Steel manufacturing plants (2)
9.5 Motor vehicle service areas (2)
There, there. That wasn't too bad, was it?
If you get over 50%
If not, don't feel too bad![]()
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