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Thread: Caricaturist asking your advice

  1. #11
    Diamond Member
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    With a subject who's dead and buried, using known images of the person to create a caricature from wouldn't be plagerism if the images he's working from aren't caricatures.

    Ok, so I can take a photograph of your grandfather, distort it a bit (I'll just use Photoshop to save time) and sell it as a caricature.

    The connection is that the "caricature" is an original painting / photograph that has been altered very slightly. Take a look and compare the drawings to the originals, you know, practically every single part of the original is duplicated except for the malformation of small accentuated areas. It would be the same as changing the cover of the DVD.

    What is rather interesting about this discussion is that it has drifted away from what constitutes a good caracature (Look at Zapiro's work) to copyright, plagerism & piracy.

    A good caricature is not dependent on an original work of art or photograph to give it credibility, it is dependent on the artists ability to accentuate a feature of the person being drawn yet leaving enough resemblance for the audience to recognize the person. Zapiro is a master at this - Zuma with his showerhead, Obama's ears, Mugabe's upper lip, Trevor Manual's nose, etc.

  2. #12
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Art is an expression of something you enjoy. If you like taking a picture of anyone and change it to fit your vision then that in itself becomes an expression. It doesn’t really matter if you make a perfect copy of an old artist. If you can master the Mona Lisa and ad YOUR signature to it then you have mastered Leonardo da Vinci’s style. If you ad Leonardo da Vinci’s signature to it then you are counterfeiting with the intent to deceive.

    I see nothing wrong with this work. And I hope that others will also enjoy it. I don’t much care for how it came to be. The point is it is an expression. A little something you may oneday see and smile. That is the point of art; it is to be seen and to be enjoyed.

    Case and point, I have seen thousands of photos of a rose. All of them taken by a camera using chemicals in the old days, now it is digital. I still enjoy the picture. Simply because I can...

    The truth is you don’t have to like everything. That is why we have a variety art, books poetry...
    peace is a state of mind
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  3. #13
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    If you like taking a picture of anyone and change it to fit your vision then that in itself becomes an expression.
    Ok, I like taking pictures of world famous politicians and then changing them by taking all their clothes off and making them do strange acts with animals. (Not that I do, but this is said simply to make a point) see, it's not that simple.

    If you can master the Mona Lisa and ad YOUR signature to it then you have mastered Leonardo da Vinci’s style.
    Thats not art, that is plagiarism. I can therefore copy a novel written by any writer and say that I've mastered their art just as long as I put my name to it...

    I don’t much care for how it came to be.
    I think that the original artist might just care a wee little bit.

    That is the point of art; it is to be seen and to be enjoyed.
    I don't agree, an artist creates something unique from within their being whether people like it or not. Vincent Van Gogh is a case in point - He sold one painting in his lifetime. Salvador Dali - he was a total nutcase (great artist though)

    The truth is you don’t have to like everything. That is why we have a variety art, books poetry...
    Yes I agree, and that is why each artist produces their own work and not knockoffs of other peoples work.
    Last edited by adrianh; 23-Aug-10 at 11:40 PM.

  4. #14
    Junior Member Frederico Rogeiro's Avatar
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    adrianh, I really don't kow what to say... "alter a little bit" - that's just what you see.
    You see this as some copyed thing, with no value of it's own.

    I'm not looking to convince you to like this, or to undertand this, but I try to interpret the forms and facial expressions with some kind of visual logic that brings to a result where the elements are distorted and proportioned in a selective way, like our memories do to what the retain. And still remain highly recognizable, as a proof to the value of that logic. And then there's the technical work with the media.
    That's why people like good caricatures and dislike bad ones, according to their taste.

  5. #15
    Diamond Member
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    Hi Fredereco,

    You mustn't take my views on your art to heart. I look at it through my own eyes. I am sure that there are many artists and musicians that appeal to me but don't appeal to you. Not that either view is better per se, just that they are different.

  6. #16
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Thats not art, that is plagiarism. I can therefore copy a novel written by any writer and say that I've mastered their art just as long as I put my name to it...
    You know as well as I do, that art in the form of writing is something completely different to painting. Some collectors will have something drawn in the style of the old masters and still pay good money for it knowing that it is a not the real thing.

    As for copyright protection on books, it is killing the novel, music and poetry industry. Now I am not saying that is good to copy another writer word for word. But honestly, there are only so many sentence structures available. Now, being original is almost impossible especially in modern times.
    peace is a state of mind
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  7. #17
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I enjoyed the caricature of Rafael

    Which probably leads me to my only comment that may have any worth whatsoever - for caricatures overall it might not be quirky enough.

    A doe-eyed Beethoven? He was no Bambi. Where's the anger and frustration?

  8. #18
    Junior Member Frederico Rogeiro's Avatar
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    Hi, Dave. And hi again to all in this discussion.

    I accept naturally that peolpe like it or not, think they express something or failed to do it. But to call this plagerism is surreal. It is to be totally unaware of the mental process this work implies.
    adrianh, want it or not it I take that personally, because it puts my honesty at stake.

  9. #19
    Email problem daveob's Avatar
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    Well, that's the world of technology that we live in today - if someone thinks that a caricature has been created with photoshop ( or similar ) it shows how common the use of photoshop is, and how used to these types of images we are.

    I think that looking at an artwork on a PC screen, and seeing the original with your own eyes are two different things - 12 years in the print industry taught me that.

    Frederico - your art style is 'your' style - no-one says anyone else has to like it ( personally I do ).

    If others think that your art looks photoshop'd, then I would take that as a compliment of your artistic ability.
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  10. #20
    Junior Member Frederico Rogeiro's Avatar
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    Daveob, you're absolutely right, I guess I can see it as a compliment.
    But at the same time I can't let people convince everyone of their suspicious beliefs.

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