Can anyone recommend a good inexpensive financial modelling tool to help me advise my clients. I dont want to develop something from scratch and what i see on the internet appear to be extremely simplistic with no scope for quick scenario changes.
Can anyone recommend a good inexpensive financial modelling tool to help me advise my clients. I dont want to develop something from scratch and what i see on the internet appear to be extremely simplistic with no scope for quick scenario changes.
If you find one you like, please let me know. I'm also interested.
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I have found a system. It is called Goalfix. Not particularly cheap (approx R35,000 for a single user including annual licence fees). It is an extremely good product and appears to be well supported. Training is provided as part of the cost and they can customise (for a fee). What I like is that once you have put in historical data it can create forecasts which you then play with changing multiple assumptions and it immediately shows the impact on profitability, cash flows returns etc. See for more info and contact details.
Dave A (09-Sep-10)
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