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Thread: Mobile-phone Virus.

  1. #1
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Mobile-phone Virus.

    As we all know mobile-phones can download just about anything and more, the problem is mobile-phone viruses. I had about 8 phone calls of friends and family stating a mobile virus killed there mobile.

    Now as I understand it, you get it from e-mails to your mobile and add-ons for mobile chat software. But I am “new” to mobile viruses so what real world proper solutions is available?

    Makes include: Nokia, Sony-Ericson, Samsung, HTC and Blackberry.
    peace is a state of mind
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  2. #2
    Diamond Member
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    What operating system?

    Windows Mobile?

  3. #3
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    In all honesty i know that this particular HTC used the “Android” OS but as for Nokia no clue, but most of your programs is based on a Java environment aka Java runtime environment best guess would be Symbian OS. Samsung I have no clue at all but again most phones do support Java so I would think that any mobile antivirus that can run on Java environment would probably be the software to use.
    peace is a state of mind
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  4. #4
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    There are several smart phone virii that can spread by MMS, bluetooth, through web browsing or email. They're fairly few and far between because mobile phones, unlike computers, use many different proprietary operating systems. As far as I know Symbian virii are the most common which is used by Nokia and a few others. All mobile device virii I've ever heard of require the user to actively accept the installation of an executable script so savvy users are less likely to install something called 'Very important update' or 'please install me' or important warning' which might have an ELF file extension for example.

    Also for a virus writer a good Windows virus would carry the most kudos, not for complexity or technical reasons, just because it's M1crosoft, the sworn enemy.

    I know Kaspersky and Symantec distribute AV products for portable devices and I'm sure there's many more.

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