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Thread: 1st world justice for 1st world crime

  1. #1
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    1st world justice for 1st world crime

    Shows you what happens when the 3rd world deals its its own crime problem...Crude but very very effective

    Community kills trio over cables
    2010-08-04 09:20

    Johannesburg - Three men were burnt to death by a mob who accused them of being cable thieves in Lenasia South on Wednesday, Gauteng police said.

    The three men were believed to be part of a group who had been stealing electricity cables in an informal settlement in Lenasia South, said Captain Mpande Khoza.

    "They said at around 01:00 (they saw) a Nissan bakkie which keeps terrorising the people here and cutting the electricity cable."

    Khoza said that replacing the cable cost every household in the settlement R200. Fed up by the thefts, residents organised themselves into patrols armed with whistles and vuvuzelas.

    "At around 01:00 they spotted the same bakkie which has been doing this. They blew the whistles and the vuvuzelas and found these men with a gun and a bolt cutter.

    "The three men in the back of the bakkie, they ran away, but the three in the cab couldn't escape.

    "They tried to use the bakkie to escape but the community came from all angles," said Khoza.

    Community members set the bakkie alight with the alleged cable thieves still inside.

    Khoza said police were still gathering information about the attack. Much of their information had come from listening to community members who were speaking to journalists.

    "They are much more open to the journalists than they are to the police," said Khoza.

  2. #2
    Gold Member Dave S's Avatar
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    A very harsh punishment, but a clear indication that we are all fed up with crime and tolerance is starting to wain.
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  3. #3
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Yup, very harsh. I have to admit is very difficult for me to sympathetic in any way to the criminals, and if they were the criminals, i feel nothing.

    Always the concern would be though were they 100% certain of the guilt - its the only concern i have with mob justice.

    In Selebi's case today i was thinking it was a pity we don't have some asian justice, a few hands chopped of, a head maybe... you'd see a lot less posts on TFSA regards corruption

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  4. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    No doubt the police shall investigate for murder charges against members of the community.

    Fair enough, I'm sure - but just how much responsibility lies at the police service's door for failing to protect this community...

  5. #5
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    If I wrote how I feel about crime and how we need to deal with it...would be edited as it was on another website...

    How ever what I will say...I believe we need to separate petty thieves...people who steal to feed themselves and the other criminals...for not knowing a better name to call them lets say predators.

    I was involved in a case where I had to go to court because the security guard who was beating the living daylights out of a thief who had stolen a small packet of meat...shot at me by mistake...the bullet went past me and lodged into the fridge behind me...anyway to cut a long story short...I felt the thief had got a beating for his crime but it was not necessary to carry on hitting him more than 50 I put an end to it and almost got shot in the process because the idiot who was hitting the thief had his finger on the trigger of a loaded firearm while hitting the thief and the gun went off by mistake.

    now if it was a "predator"...a person who preys on innocent people with intent to do harm...for example a hijacker...and armed robber...rapist etc jackals dressed in sheep’s clothing mingling amongst us with bad intentions...I could have used the opportunity to defend myself and cleaned up the mess.

    my point is we need to deal with crime the way the crimminals are treating us and make them scared to commit crimes...becuase until we do this they will take advantage of us and redard us as easy prey....and as i have mentioned before we need to get out of our comfort zones and stop leaving it for everyone else to sort email with 5 billion signiture will never prevent the crime...action speaks louder then words.

    if there are 5 breaking into houses and you make sure that one of them never returns...the other 4 wil think before they return and if they do make sure only 1 never returns eventually they will ge tthe hint and be a bit wary before they return...and if they do you need to make sure they dont come back.

    one thing i have learnt in life when i got bullied i ran until i got cornered then took extreme action...i never got bothered by anyone after that...i believe it was because people realised the consiquenses of their actions.

    until we make crimminals aware of the consiquences of their action...a little more than free bored and lodging where they can exchange ideas and new tactics for the next hit...they will keeep coming and getting better and hit us harder and do more terrible things to our families...all we are doing is make security comapnies richer...becoming more and more isolate dbecause we are too scared to go out for dinner in case the place is hit...getting more viscous dogs...which endanger our children...and could get you into trouble if they get out anf bite someone.

    if we all just got togehter and said enough iis enough...rather focus the money spent on a team of effective reaction force to clean up the mess in your area so that they dont move to the next area...or waste our hard earned tax money on overcrowded jails for them to be released in 2 weeks to return again and maybe the next time you wont be so lucky...when the next batch come thru you pay the monay and get a people to clean up the mess will make south africa a bette rplace to live.

    we had a hijacking in our area last year the person whos wife was hijacked killed 2 of the hijackers and the one who got away died a short while later...we havent had another hijacking until last week...and since had 2 murders and house breakings...and now a hijacking at the school...which tells me there is a gang working this area agian which needs to be stopped and soon before it gets out of control.

    the incident this morning...where they hijacked one of the parents in front of the school...took the car then started just shooting randomly...come on people lets put an end to this type of terrorism....because thats what it is...

    this type of crime should be dealt with by a special task team...and put to an end before it carries on any is already out of control.

  6. #6
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    my point is we need to deal with crime the way the crimminals are treating us and make them scared to commit crimes...

    ...if there are 5 breaking into houses and you make sure that one of them never returns...the other 4 wil think before they return and if they do make sure only 1 never returns eventually they will ge tthe hint and be a bit wary before they return...and if they do you need to make sure they dont come back.

    ...until we make crimminals aware of the consiquences of their action...a little more than free bored and lodging where they can exchange ideas and new tactics for the next hit...they will keeep coming and getting better and hit us harder and do more terrible things to our families...all we are doing is make security comapnies richer...becoming more and more isolate dbecause we are too scared to go out for dinner in case the place is hit...getting more viscous dogs...which endanger our children...and could get you into trouble if they get out anf bite someone.

    ...or waste our hard earned tax money on overcrowded jails
    I think the that the jails being overcrowded is testament to the fact that criminals are not deterred from committing a crime by the consequences of getting caught. I also think that describing any South African jail as free board and lodging might be stretching it a little.

    I don't see anything...including mob justice, more jails or even rampant vigilantiism... reducing the crime rate whilst the rich/poor divide is as pronounced as it is.

  7. #7
    Gold Member Dave S's Avatar
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    Crime is Crime

    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    I believe we need to separate petty thieves...people who steal to feed themselves and the other criminals...for not knowing a better name to call them lets say predators.
    It's a short distance from stealing for need, to becoming a predator, about the length of a gun barrel...

    Crime is crime, wether it is petty or pure cold-blooded contemplation.
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  8. #8
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    the highway mail headlines...CRIME DIGS IN

    2 days after the trenching for the pipe line started in our area...the police arrested people for house i dont believe the residents are making it up.

    for you and i who live in the suburbs...jail is a terrible place to go...for most crimminals its free bored and lodging...and an oppitunity for them to learn new tricks and meet others.

  9. #9
    Diamond Member
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    I agree totally with Murdock

    3rd world punishment for a 3rd world man.

    Crime is like cancer - unless you destroy it totally, it will keep coming back to haunt you.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave S View Post
    It's a short distance from stealing for need, to becoming a predator, about the length of a gun barrel...

    Crime is crime, wether it is petty or pure cold-blooded contemplation.
    i totally disagree with swazi land petty thieving is common...they break in and steal material stuff and go...they dont break in rape the women in your house make you watch it them shoot you just because they can.

    they dont rob a parent of the motor vehicle at schools then just start shooting randomly just because they can....

    they dont rob you while you are sitting in a resturant having dinner with your wife then randomly shoot people just because they can...

    as soon as women and children are put in far as i am concerned thats when they cross over to the steal my car or tv or any material object bad luck to me...i dont blink an is just one of those come in my house to steal my tv while my family is in the house...then you must understand that you have crossed the line...i will protect my family even if it costs me my life...whether you are armed or not...whether you are looking for direction...or thirsty because you are lost...the objective would to protect my family...and until all the men in this country black o white start standing up and protecting thier families from these will just get worse.

    i noticed a while back when they tried to break into a car...the person who does the breakin wears a pair of short pants...the only item he had on him was a steel pipe with the sharpened allen key to break the lock and work the ignition...however the people waiting in the car where armed...

    you dont worry about him you need to imobilise the people and vehicle they are in then once they are taken care of...the other one breaking into the car has nowhere to go...pepper spray and a baseball bat works because he has a pipe and you have a it becomes self defence without more force than required...just make sure every hit counts other wise the judge will ask why he was hit so many times...and if the police havent arrived by the time its all over rather just walk away and go back to bed...they will clean up the mess...and hopefully all the nieghbours will stay hidding in thier houses like they always do...not wanting to get involved...

    if you are one of those people who hide behind the curtain and watch while the neighbours are being robbed and dont help or get involved in community policing...shame on you i hope it never happens to cowards...its because of all of you that the crime is out of control...get out of your comfort zone and stop whining about the crime get involved and do something about it...and dont go pimping on people who are trying to do something about it...these people must be treated the way they are treating our families...with extreme force...and as the police commisioner cele says shoot to kill.

    this is the worse type of terrorism and i believe the goverment should be using the defence force to bring the situation under control...they hide in amongst us waiting for the right oppitunity to attack..they live in amongst us...they dress like us they look like us...yet they are ruthless when preying on us...killing innocent women and children...or traumatise them to a point of no recovery.

    IT IS TIME TO PUT AN END TO this beutiful country before it is too late.

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