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Thread: White males still dominate top positions in SA

  1. #11
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    Angry lets stop throwing stones

    It's really fun to watch the BEE's manage companies into the ground.quoting Adriaan.

    Come on guys it can't be fun & i know it was no fun when PW managed our country South Africa into the ground. Remember that rubicon speech in Durban. Our currency crashed,the stock exchange closed for a few dayswe're now paying more rands for one dollar when previously we got dollars for one rand!Who was this PW.?Who voted him there?

  2. #12
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    It is great fun, watching senior technicians get skopped out of ESKOM to be replaced with young BEE women, senior jet aircraft mechanics leave the air force to be replaced with you know who, etc. We just love the "space creation packages" they are so good for the country - you know, letting senior technincians with 35 years experience go on early retirement. It's also cool to watch the young railway control centre operator take the wrong action when a certain green train ran away. Like I said, its a demolition derby, we crack open a six pack, sit back and watch the comedy unfold. Now the question is this; what have I got to lose through all of this - nothing much really, I am already poor, so it doesn't matter to me one way or another.

    I watched a family member with 4 degrees and 25 years experience in a bank be sidelined for a very senior position. The position was filled by a 29 year old BEE who managed all by himself p1$$ the entire management team off so badly that they all left over a period of 2 years. The family member attained a higher position at another establishment only to have the same Mr BEE come for a job interview...Luckily, due to his stunning track record, he failed to get a job, not even as a teller, where he should have been placed in the first place. What the BEE's fail to understand that an MBA cannot replace years of hands on experience. Reading a book about management and then being installed as a manager is like reading a book about golf and then going to play on Tiger Woods's behalf - it simply doesn't work!

    Yes PW, what a character, the Rubicon speech was really not so clever. He did cause havoc that day. And the value of the rand, tough one that, considering that the goverment is keeping the rand and its current level. But you know, if we talk about the stupid things that PW said then we can also talk about the stupid things JZ does and also the stupid things that old Julius says. I am glad to see that JZ has gotten ol Julius to keep quiet for a bit, I think the guy got the spaking of his life, much worse that the spanknig he got for failing woodwork.

    To get back to where this conversation started - work your way to the top and you have my respect, get plugged in to the top because of a BEE quota and you are on your own. (for me and others to have a good chuckle at your expense)

  3. #13
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    the bottom sister was paid out a small package and replaced with a BBEE she has lost all the benefits to the other pension medical aid etc etc etc...she is now working in the same position as a contractor without the benefits...but teaching the do her job she has been doing for 20 years but without the benefits of a housing subsidy etc...thats the big picture everyone seems to be missing...

    and as someone else mentioned...dont run away...well i am not gona say what i would like to...not everyone can find work...especially if you are white...all i have to do is get my british passport like the rest of my family and move to a country where i will be able to get one important thing and thats a pension as i get older...i just need to spend 2 years there and i will qualify...i cant see this country offering pensions for too many years...what will you do then? at this stage of my life i can go anywhere do anything...put up with the contracts being taken away etc...but what will happen when i need to retire?

  4. #14
    Email problem E-Deposit's Avatar
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    German Woman

    My German and Zimbabwean employees work 10x as hard as the lazy locals. They earn fat performance based salaries. I could of course get my BEE status right up there if I made the gardener an equal partner, but he is South Afican so he'll just be a "Sleeping" partner anyway...
    Well my home language is german but I guess that doesnt matter then 'cus I'm a local ... AND I'm a woman hey?
    Last edited by Dave A; 02-Aug-10 at 07:54 PM.

  5. #15
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    Ok, I'll admit, I'm not really a tyrant. The German person that works with me is a brilliant 28 year old female graphic designer. My wife is my partner in the business. The wife does all the book keeping n stuff and I look after the technical side. I have 3 Zimbabweans working with me, 1 x white male, 1 x black male & 1 x black female. We all work our butts off and we all get along very well. My two daughters are real little entreprenuers because they spend a lot of time with us in the workshop, talking business & trading on Bid Or Buy & Ebay. We are teaching the girls to have the same attitude as you: To be strong, indepenent, well educated and not to rely on a boyfriend or husband to make their way through life.

    I believe some of the things I said are true, some not, and a lot is said simply to wind people up. We take ourselves far too seriously. :-)

  6. #16
    Email problem E-Deposit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by adrianh View Post
    Ok, I'll admit, I'm not really a tyrant. The German person that works with me is a brilliant 28 year old female graphic designer. My wife is my partner in the business. The wife does all the book keeping n stuff and I look after the technical side. I have 3 Zimbabweans working with me, 1 x white male, 1 x black male & 1 x black female. We all work our butts off and we all get along very well. My two daughters are real little entreprenuers because they spend a lot of time with us in the workshop, talking business & trading on Bid Or Buy & Ebay. We are teaching the girls to have the same attitude as you: To be strong, indepenent, well educated and not to rely on a boyfriend or husband to make their way through life.

    I believe some of the things I said are true, some not, and a lot is said simply to wind people up. We take ourselves far too seriously. :-)
    Hehe see now what would you do without us women.
    Yeah Independence is really important. However to be independent you have to be strong & if you can't afford education then read books etc and educate yourself There is no excuse to not be successful. Oh ja and most importantly BE & STAY POSITIVE.

  7. #17
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    However to be independent you have to be strong & if you can't afford education then read books etc and educate yourself
    To quote Richard Branson: "I see life almost like the university education that I never had, everyday I am learning something new".

    We all love to read. The girl read lots n lots of fiction. My eldest daughter has her nose perpetually stuck in a book. The little one doesn't read as much but she still reads quite a bit. My wife reads fiction all the time. I don't read fiction anymore, it wastes too much time. There are so many useful books to read.

    I am currently reading "Why we make mistakes" by Joseph T. Hallinan (the book also goes by the name Errornomics) - it explains how our minds work (or don't work) - why we crash cars, why pilots fly perfectly good aeroplanes into the ground. I am also reading another book at the same time (I find when the one gets a bit much I switch to the other) "The upside of irrationality" by Dan Ariely. He also wrote "Predictably irrational". The books go into our irrational thought processes - why we buy what we do, why paying huge bonuses doesn't work, why people need a pat on the back, etc.

    Anyway, I agree wholeheartedly, read read read - there are many clever people out there who wrote their thoughts down for us to learn from.

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    E-Deposit (02-Aug-10)

  9. #18
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    Confession Time

  10. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by flaker View Post
    ??? what are you confessing???

  11. #20
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    Still waiting for the first female President of the ANC

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