Hmmm... Great food for thought. Thanks!
Chances are I will stick to Quickbooks for the time being. It does allow for journal entries but it already has a function to transfer to partner equity/drawings accounts. The only problem with it is that it's US-based!

Which is fine, until tax implications arise. Not being a VAT vendor, I'm not too concerned for now.
Just to be clear, and refresh my memory on partnership accounting, when is it that you distribute profits to partner equity accounts? At the end of the financial year? Can you do it every month?
The way I'm working at the moment is I'm just recording Partner drawings as they arise, and am planning just to split my net profit at the end of the financial year and distribute it to partner equity. I think that's correct?
I know that salaries go to partner equity accounts when they are declared. We do not use fixed salaries, though.
Meh... I'm confusing myself...

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