Hi netisSbusiso
Please know that my questions and statements are simply made to contribute positively to your question. There is a serious lack of relevant information to truly assist but I will attempt to assist based on the little information I do have.
I need to ask you a couple of questions before seriously judging your website.
- In terms of your marketing plan, what is your main target market? I was unable to see this on your websites.
- In terms of your marketing plan, how is your sales funnel designed? This is from a landbased marketing and advertising perspective as well as an Internet Marketing perspective.
- What is your product and service?
In dealings with companies ranging from ABSA, Sun International to even small companies like beauty salons, this is normally the location of serious weakness within the marketing drive. Before investing in advertising there is a simple process that you must follow in order for advertising to work.
What I have seen on both the websites is a serious lack of marketing planning. I still struggle to truly understand what it is exactly that you are offering.
I also do not see any kind of conversion factors which is normally an indication that there is weaknesses in the marketing planning that was made, if a marketing plan even exist?
To really assist we need to know a bit more and I am confident we will have a breakthrough.
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