wow south africa can organise the world cup now lets see if they do a simple thing like sorting out the crime...with all the additional police and tasks teams etc...i actually couldnt give a continental f%^&k whether the queen of england comes here...all i want is for my family to be safe so we can live our lives without having to worry about getting attacked...
in the last 2 weeks
my wifes boss has been broken into twice...and robbed while in the house with his his family.
my neighbour was broken into on saturday night at 6.30 pm while i was bathing and sorting out my daughter...they drove up to the gate...derailed it drove right to the window where the flat screen tv is in the lounge tried to rip the window out of the frame...alarm went off so they got back into a blue maza and drove off.
now what really pissed on my battery son was attacked at work today by 3 or 4 savages...they grabbed him by the neck thru the window...took the keys out the ignition and opened the back door where another savage hooked him from behind and sarted strangling him while they ransacked the vehicle stealing his bank cards house keys etc etc...and all while laughing at him making fun of him.
let this be a warning to people who dont have aircons in the car and have to drive with the window slightly open ...make sure your keys cant be pulled out the ignition easily...because this seems to be the first thing they do is imoblise the vehicle and there is nothing you can least with the car still running you can let the clutch out and drive away...because i am sure most people have learnt never to take the vehicle out of gear because of the possibilty of being hijacked...
my advice drill a hole thru the ignition and put a pin into it so the keys cannot be removed without removing the pin first at least you will have a chance.
i am absolutely f%^king mad today...lucky they didnt do too much harm to him...
i hear the first lot come unarmed so according to the law you cannot do anything to them...but the ones who stay in the vehicle are armed...just in case...this is a public forum so i will keep what i am thinking to myself...![]()
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