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Thread: safety at home

  1. #1
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    safety at home

    wow south africa can organise the world cup now lets see if they do a simple thing like sorting out the crime...with all the additional police and tasks teams etc...i actually couldnt give a continental f%^&k whether the queen of england comes here...all i want is for my family to be safe so we can live our lives without having to worry about getting attacked...

    in the last 2 weeks

    my wifes boss has been broken into twice...and robbed while in the house with his his family.

    my neighbour was broken into on saturday night at 6.30 pm while i was bathing and sorting out my daughter...they drove up to the gate...derailed it drove right to the window where the flat screen tv is in the lounge tried to rip the window out of the frame...alarm went off so they got back into a blue maza and drove off.

    now what really pissed on my battery son was attacked at work today by 3 or 4 savages...they grabbed him by the neck thru the window...took the keys out the ignition and opened the back door where another savage hooked him from behind and sarted strangling him while they ransacked the vehicle stealing his bank cards house keys etc etc...and all while laughing at him making fun of him.

    let this be a warning to people who dont have aircons in the car and have to drive with the window slightly open ...make sure your keys cant be pulled out the ignition easily...because this seems to be the first thing they do is imoblise the vehicle and there is nothing you can least with the car still running you can let the clutch out and drive away...because i am sure most people have learnt never to take the vehicle out of gear because of the possibilty of being hijacked...

    my advice drill a hole thru the ignition and put a pin into it so the keys cannot be removed without removing the pin first at least you will have a chance.

    i am absolutely f%^king mad today...lucky they didnt do too much harm to him...

    i hear the first lot come unarmed so according to the law you cannot do anything to them...but the ones who stay in the vehicle are armed...just in case...this is a public forum so i will keep what i am thinking to myself...

  2. #2
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    I don't know where you live but it's obviously more of a problem in your area than mine. Touch wood I've not had any crime in 14 years of living in my house. We don't lock the gate and we don't have an alarm, a rottweiler or burglar bars although we have got into the habit of locking the door when we go out nowadays. I haven't heard any reports of friends or family ever being robbed, raped, assaulted or hijacked int the last decade, the neighborhood watch is a pretty effective deterrent. My mother-in-law had some washing stolen off the line about ten years ago in her previous house and still talks about it to this day. Also a friend lost his car radio when parked overnight on a town center street a few years back but that's about it.

  3. #3
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    my mate hasnt had a robbery in 15 years...he got nailed twice in 2 weeks.

    my neighbour has never been robbed...saturday night 6.30 pm the first time ever.

    this is the 3 rd hijacking in our family.

    we were almost cleaned out completely on a sunday afternoon at 4.30 pm...they counted 18 people in our house robbery...i lived in a complex and when i asked how nobody saw what was happening...the response was we didnt know you were getting robbed...we thought we were having a garage sale. if the guy from across the road didnt ask what was going on they would have cleaned out the entire house including our name it...when i got home that night at around 6 pm everything was packed into black plastic bags...cables for tv...hi-fi etc all rolled up and ready to go.

    i live in durban...i suppose one good thing is there havent been any violent robberies...only the hijacking...

  4. #4
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Our aria is bad. It is really bad. While the world cup was on TV a group of people “I was told groups of 4 to 5” just walked into yards and intimidating wives and children. One of the elderly people that were armed started shooting and once this mass saw people were fighting back they disappeared.

    To this day the police never even bothered to show up. Yes the 2010 was a success but only because all the police was forced to protect the 2010 at all cost. That cost included leaving small towns unprotected.

    At this point we cannot even get proper statistics so the truth will never be known.
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  5. #5
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    Ok, I forgot myself for a bit. Time to put the waving flag away and get back to reality. I think that reporting of the normal goings-on in the country were simply drowned out by the noise of the vuvuzelas.

  6. #6
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    maybe the suburbs are not taken into account when crime stats are recorded or when promoting south africa...and i would believe this because of the way they deployed the police during the world cup.

    the only way we will make it safer for ourselves is to make the criminal scared to attempt a robbery or the moment it is a joke for them...they know we will just hand over our stuff in a hope that they wont harm our families...and until we start defending ourselves and fight fire with fire the crime will only get worse and easier for the criminals.

    i believe that if a person enters my space or property i should be able to defend myself with the same force and be able to use any means required to defend myself and my family...even if it means the criminal doesnt make it to jail.

    my brother in law went to the hardware in jhb to collect soem materials for a small diy project he was doing at home...while waiting at the gate to the building company was confronted by 3 armed men...he sat still and handed over all his personal belongings and the bakkie keys...the person at his window put the gun against the side of his head and pulled the which time the people inside the shop realised what was happening and returned fire...but unfortunately none of the robbers where killed...

    nodody knows to this day what happened to the bullet...he was not harmed from the gun shot in any way...he went home and packed up and sold the house in jhb and moved to a safer place.

    we need to start protecting ourselves...i do realise that most people dont want to get involved because they are worried about their families but wake up...its happening all alround you it is just a matter of time...and i hope your turn is not soon...once you have had to experience a night of hell like some people have its tooooo late...

    unfortunatley the crime rate is not out of control yet so it will take a lot more people to be affected before every decides enough is enough...

    you will notice you never hear of councillers top brass being hijacked etc because they have private security companies looking after them...who will shoot you down if you dont move out the way while driving on the road...imagine if a poor crimnial tried to enter their property or do something to their families...criminals are tooo scared to do anything to them...makes you think.

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