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Thread: Identity theft problem

  1. #11
    Email problem
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    Yes the Department of Home Affairs said to my husband that they and the licencing department do not have anything to do with each other so there he could not change the licence he had to deal directly with the licence department who just straight out said they cannot do anything for him. So my question is is he now just supposed to leave it and let someone else drive with his licence. The day that person gets into a accident and kills someone it will be my husband that will get sent to jail

    Obviously the person working in the licence department sold my husbands licence to someone else that is why they don't note that the photo does not match he gets his money and lives happily ever after and the guy with the licence just puts his own photo in the card and sends my husbands photo off to head office so that it all looks the same but the one thing they could not fake was the fingerprint so they used his fingerprint and with the department of homeaffairs not linked to the licencing department head office could not or would not see that the fingerprints don't mach

  2. #12
    Email problem
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    So what I think is that if you get your first licence the licencing head office do not have your fingerprints so they cannot realy match anything they are totaly dependant on the licencing centres to provide them with the right information

  3. #13
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    Dave, AFAIK, yes. But how do you convince the cop who pulls you over that you're physically unable to get as license due to fraud, and if you don't go to work, you'll put your whole family on the streets and have to beg for food?
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  4. #14
    Platinum Member SilverNodashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeronicaMVV View Post
    So what I think is that if you get your first licence the licencing head office do not have your fingerprints so they cannot realy match anything they are totaly dependant on the licencing centres to provide them with the right information
    Yes, and no. AFAIK your finger prints get recored when you get your first ID book / passport, which you need to get a drivers license. So they do have your finger prints, and in fact your photo as well. I don't see why it could be so difficult to match these up?
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  5. #15
    Email problem
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    Quote Originally Posted by SoftDux View Post
    Yes, and no. AFAIK your finger prints get recored when you get your first ID book / passport, which you need to get a drivers license. So they do have your finger prints, and in fact your photo as well. I don't see why it could be so difficult to match these up?
    That just shows that there is deffinatly someone somewhere or a group of poeple that are corrupt

    Because someone must have known what was going on
    Another thing is how could he get his booking and have passed for a Code 8 learners licence in 2006 if according to them he had a licence since 2003, something must have happend the day the guy in the licence centre took my husbands ID book
    This is a realy complicated story and I just wich that someone could remove all the details he has on his name so he can get tested and pass leagaly. We have fighted in all derections demanded explinations took time off from work were even willing to go to the head office anything ANYTHING to get this sorted out but the only thing they kept saying was "sorry there is nothing we can do for you."

  6. #16
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I see the licencing authority as the department that needs to take responsibility here.

    Veronica, you've tried to do things the right way. And your efforts are on record. If you are not getting joy that way, maybe it's time to roll with the punches and lean into the system. And this is where things get interesting.

    If those licences were issued in 2003, they should be coming up for renewal this year. I suggest your husband sets about renewing them and getting a temporary licence in the meantime because his licence is misplaced.

    Now consider the department's options. They either:
    • Have to acknowledge that the existing licences issued against your husband's ID are fraudulently issued - and take steps to address that or face a lawsuit from you for losses incurred by their negligence, or
    • Issue the licence renewals and temporary licence.

    The only tip I've got is don't go stamping feet and banging tables - smile and be nice and don't take "I can't help you" for an answer. If the person in front of you can't help you, ask them to pass you onto their boss or supervisor. Don't let them shift you "across department" without a phonecall from them first to the person they are sending you to. Get them to shift you up the chain of command. Once you've got to the boss of the boss of the boss you stand a better chance of getting somewhere.

    And collect the names and contact details of who you are speaking to every step of the way.

  7. #17
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    And collect the names and contact details of who you are speaking to every step of the way.
    This is a very important step! And make sure that they see you writing it down, it often changes attitude very quickly.
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  8. #18
    Email problem
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    Thank you for the advice I am now going give it another try the only problem is that neither me or my husband can get off from work to this out afterall it is their mistake I have contacte the DA on fraud and am now going to start negtiating with Mike Water on this issue my husband has got the temp drivers licence that saved him his job but if this issue is not resolved ASAP he will get a second chance one of the conditions of his employment is to have a licence I will keep you updated with the progress of this matter already I can tell you I have phoned the head of Gautengs eNATIS system and there is just a voice recoring awnsering and if I make my selction I get cut off and they just don't awnser so clearly going to government will just send me running around in circles even have I tried contacting the Minister of transport and he is never available or to busy (he just blew me off)
    We have got proof of everyting that we tried advidavids ect. We will just have to keep on trying and hope forthe best

  9. #19
    Email problem
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    Well the day has gone past and I have baerly explained the problem properly I managed to get 8 names of poeple I spoke to and faxed through a detail descriptive letter and was supposed to be phone back but wasn't so lets see if anyone will help me tommorow

    The battle begins

  10. #20
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I love one particular Afrikaans word at times like these - Sterkte!

    May the results come.

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