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Thread: The Big Five business limiters

  1. #1
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    The Big Five business limiters

    After more than 20 years of business life, I think I've narrowed down five critical areas which are vital to the size and success of our business.
    Read the article here
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  2. #2
    just me duncan drennan's Avatar
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    I'd be interested to know which area people think that small businesses fail in the most.

    I think that the Network aspect is one that we tend to fail often. Not just the marketing aspect, but relating to other businesses, and leveraging cooperation. It seems to me that in general we tend to focus wholly on what we are doing, and try to protect our territory viciously. I think that sometimes a defensive, rather than cooperative attitude tends to isolate us from other people who can actually help us (and us them).
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  3. #3
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I see you're getting into the ideas here.

    My only comment for now is that I find people tend to think marketing or advertising as opposed to building networks - to me a far more holisitic concept for this critical aspect.

  4. #4
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    I have found that my mindset, culture and upbringing told me ambition was
    1. Something for some men only
    2. Good in men, bad for women
    3. Going to result in the woman being a spinster for the rest of her life
    4. Of an evil nature as it is the pursuit of money

    ALL of these were mindsets I had to change before I could come to terms with my own ambitions, competencies and business desires. So your factor number one was in fact my biggest hurdle to overcome.


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    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    I must say that Debbie makes a very interesting observation here. In a corollary of sorts, I'm currently quite interested in the allergic reaction many citizens of the USA (and perhaps abroad) have to Hilary Clinton. I'm wondering how much of it is due to gender biased preconceived ideas on what is appropriate conduct.

    On another tack, looking at the Strategy Paradox thread posts 5 & 6, I need to consider whether Environment qualifies as a 6th critical point.

  6. #6
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    Hi Dave
    I like your pion on net working,some time we mis that piont and think i whant to do things on my own.Netwotk (Taem Work) Give power as they say the closer the nots the stronger the net,you can chats one fish with a fishing rod but you chats a lot more with a net on the same time.

  7. #7
    Moderator IanF's Avatar
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    I found this thread going through the articles. Have you got any more thoughts as I am going through a trough and looking for inspiration. I need to get the ambition fired up.
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  8. #8
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    Assessment of the big 5 or 6 - A frequent exercise?

    Interesting article Dave, and yes I agree with you the 5 listed is definitely worth exploring more. I've post a thread a couple of days ago
    in reply to the question about business being business.... I would venture to say the same here, that if looking at the five hurdles mentioned here, the core remains the same:

    Ambition or Mindset - Relates to management
    Capacity - Relates to Operations
    Capital - Relates to Operations & management
    Expertise - Relates to management
    Network - Relates to product & markets

    Ambition is probably one of the biggest limiting factors in any business, not just those I've come accross, but in the general market. Due to my type of work I the first person I normally meet in a company is the CEO or MD or other main peanut. It is alarming to see the effects that ambition in cases of too much or too few have on the performance of businesses. Obviosuly you must have ambition to make it work and since you are the main peanut running the show, everyone else in that shop or factory or office will look to you for their portion of the spills. Too much ambition will kill the business or will result in you being replaced at some or other time - history has proved that. Too liitle ambition and growth will come slow so unless you find some, you're in for a rough ride. I've met a CEO a couple of years ago that just didn't had any - he inherited the firm but his heart was in a way other place. After we re-structured the business I told him that the best thing for him to do was to hand over the reigns to his head of marketing who was actually more of a CEO than a marketer. The firm is still running today and the ex-CEO owns a small holiday resort in Mozambique - as happy as ever. Too address ambition in a business I always ask the simple question of "why do you do this?" If the owner or manager can't give me a clear answer as to why they do what they do - a red flag is raised. I honestly do not believe that anyone should be in a business if it's not what they want to do. Get out and hand over control to someone that want's to run such a business.Remember you can't create ambition for a cause - it must be there already!

    I'll discuss the rest later - let's first see the views on this one?

  9. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Wow - Is it really three years ago that I wrote that piece! How time flies.

    I'd say the sequels I had in mind at the time are overdue. Ian - added to my to-do list and thanks for the reminder.

  10. #10
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    The Truth

    I agree. If any one of those lacks, then the business will fail. I would even add 1 more. Initiative. If the employess don't take the initiative to do something, it seems like nothing gets done.

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