Goodday all. I hope that someone on this site has the required information I seek. I was or am still in a CC but I am not registered as a member on the CC documents. This was as I was going through a divorce and needed to lie low. There is no dispute as to my being a 50% member. My partner decided (remember all the paper work is in his name) that he didnt want me as a partner and wanted to run on his own. he gave me a lawyers letter stating that my partner wanted me to pack up and leave. I told my partner that I still owned 50% of the business and I was not just going to sell or hand over my share without a proper understanding. The understanding was that should anyone leave that the other 50% member would pay him half the value of the business. This is also not in dipute but obviously the value may be an issue. I stated that I would leave the office under duress as I did not want a confrontation. My partner threatened that if I di not leave he would phone clients and cancel their orders. I need to know what my rights are and what I can do
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