I found something I wrote a while ago in response to the question - Is being a business owner worth it?
Ultimately the answer depends on your return, so I thought it was worthwhile dealing with the issue of achieving business success.
To my mind, being a business owner means you've got control over your own destiny. Job security is an illusion.
Whether you succeed or fail is entirely up to you. Your decisions, your plan, your self discipline, your sacrifice (yes, there is always a price), your dreams and goals, your reward. You even get to choose the battle ground.
Here are some tips that took me years to discover:
1. SUCCESS IS NOT DETERMINED BY THE PRODUCT! This is just the business vehicle. Yes, it is important to have a good product, but even businesses with good products can fail against competitors with mediocre products.
2. HAVE A DREAM! This will keep you going in the hard times and help you floor it in the good times.
3. HAVE SELF DISCIPLINE! You are going to have to do things that you don't enjoy or don't want to do. Get out of your comfort zone.
4. UNDERSTAND PEOPLE! Critical. You work with them, for them and you have them working for you. Important subcategory: Stay humble. You may meet the same people on the way down as you walked over on the way up.
5. INVEST IN YOURSELF! Your business will only grow as big as you are. The good news is you can grow. READ. Not trashy fiction. Read books for big boys and girls. Leadership. Marketing. Motivation. Strategy. My library cost tens of thousands of Rands, but remains my best investment yet.
6. FIND WISE COUNSELORS! Sometimes an outside perspective is critical. But choose who you listen to very carefully.
7. HAVE A PLAN! Long term, medium term and short term. WRITE IT DOWN. Always accept short term pain for medium and long term gain. There is no shortcut. No free lunch. Revisit your plan from time to time. You also need some level of flexibility.
8. EXPECT FAILURES. These are the stepping stones to success.
There is so much more. Manage your resources, be true to yourself, take responsibility, have faith.... so much that the world is not prepared to do.
The longest journey starts with the first step. At the end of the day it's up to you. HOW BIG IS YOUR DREAM!!
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