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Thread: History not to be taught in our schools

  1. #1
    Bronze Member Butch Hannan's Avatar
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    History not to be taught in our schools

    They should ban the teaching of history in our schools. Healing will never take place while past wrong doings are the subject matter taught in schools. My grandson has to constantly hear how the white people were very bad. His young black friends look at him at as a monster when they were both born in the New South Africa. It should rather be replaced by "Ethics and Morality"

  2. #2
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Once before I have stated that there are 3 things that the human race has to abandon if they wish to be free and allow for positive growth. History, Religion and Greed. History wants to act as constant reminder that we where once primitive and it reminds us of all the past wars and mistakes and act as a curse and brands us, and damn our children.

    Religion suppresses growth and self worth to the point where ministers and priests demands our wealth for their own selfish needs. They suppress the feminine and even in our world today little has changed not to mention the scandals that surround there practices. They appointed themselves as superior and keep scriptures from the public eye, and hide them in punkers surrounded by guns and guards. They deny us truths and knowledge and deny humans their dignity.

    Lastly is Greed! For humanity can see past the use of money and the greater good of sharing wealth so that all my live and work as equal. Every day millions is denied access to medical equipment and basic live saving operations. Not to mention the simple basics like food and water. We value paper more than human life. Our arts reflect it in pictures, photos and movies.

    Without these 3 systems we will be able to evolve. Right now the world is flawed only because we as human kind willed it to be flawed.
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  3. #3
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    History is perfectly fine. it's when selective history is taught, then there becomes a problem.

  4. Thank given for this post:

    Butch Hannan (23-Apr-10), Dave A (19-Apr-10), desA (09-May-10), tonyflanigan (18-Apr-10), wynn (19-Apr-10)

  5. #4
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Can you really mould a better future without learning lessons from the past? I agree with twin - there needs to be perspective, but denying our history is not the solution.

  6. #5
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    If history was taught along with perspective then maybe it would stop repeating itself and the same mistakes wouldn't keep being made. We'd all progress faster as a race.

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    Butch Hannan (26-Apr-10)

  8. #6
    Diamond Member wynn's Avatar
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    History is taught by the victor.
    In our case there was no victor just concensus that we had to move past a point of political empass.
    Teach your kids the correct sequences, if the history being taught in school is not factual, query it.

    There was an interesting article last week where Barrack Obama had something to say about slavery, the article mentioned that his wife was a decendant of slavery.
    What struck me was they never mentioned the fact that Obama's black forefathers were probably involved in capturing and selling the forefathers of his wife to traders and therefore into slavery.

    The same as certain Politicians believe they won over apartheid, history will prove them wrong. It was the majority of moderate whites that allowed true democracy to take hold.
    Eventually it will be the moderate majority of south Africans that will put history into perspective.
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  9. #7
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well life as we know it consist of “who is right and who was wrong” never forget that one nation’s freedom fighter is another nation’s terrorist. If we dwell on the past then there will not be a future, just more of the same BS.

    Right slavery has been eradicated if you want to be “jammer gat” about it then get a life because we all had our challenges to overcome. The biggest challenge is yet to come and that is acceptance. Accept the past as the past and leave it at that. But if you want to systematically abuse history to keep old hate alive then hate will live. It is really that simple.

    I still say ban history, religion and get rid of greed and the systems that are used by greed. We are an evolved species and we can go beyond the gold coin and start working to maintain life in general. We can design and build systems so advanced that our understanding may change again. But right now we are all just sad little slaves running around plying the blame game...
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  10. #8
    Gold Member twinscythe12332's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wynn View Post
    History is taught by the victor.
    Funnily enough that reminds me of a debate another forum was having:
    If Germany had won the war, would America be seen as evil?

  11. #9
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by twinscythe12332 View Post
    If Germany had won the war, would America be seen as evil?
    At the very least, today would be a totally different world.

    No conflict over Palestine.
    No cold war between the super powers of USA and USSR (just who would have been the super powers?)
    No rock and roll?
    No Microsoft?

  12. #10
    Gold Member garthu's Avatar
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    Funny thing with history in politics, no one learns from it really. Same mistakes made over and over often, just in a different manner. If people ran there business without learning from yesterday, it would collapse. Don't know why the human race is always so set against itself.

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