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Thread: dark clouds getting darker

  1. #1
    Email problem
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    dark clouds getting darker

    The murder of the AWB leader should be very worrying to us all. It throws up many questions about the agendas of persons like Malema who have the ability to draw huge support with little else but their charisma - Terre-blanch was not much different. People like this should know that will reap what they sow, but the trouble is that there is collateral damage that can be so severe as to affect a country or worse still the whole world [ Hitler comes to mind]. In the case of Malema who sails under the flag of the ANC/government, he is now feeling uneasy about his safety but it was of his own doing. His aspirations to become the president of our country should send shivers down our collective spines or DOES IT ?

    Our neighbour to the north has survived ONLY because of the support from our, seemingly like-minded, government. This begs the question why is our government choosing to also go down this same road ? Signs of this have already started a while ago and are intensifying.

    We should all be thinking that if this country does continue to follow the well worn Zimbabwe road, then which like-minded 'powerful' African neighbour are we going to call on for help? THERE IS NOBODY FOLKS!!! Sorry, no 'big brother' OH shit --can we have another go ? Silence!

    We South Africans of all colours have got to have a qualified government full of people with qualities like - VISION WISDOM INTEGRETY KNOWLEDGE or we are doomed to becoming a [turbo-charged - because of the speed]
    -ZIMBABWE MarkII. RIP ----TOO LATE ?Please relegate to history books.

  2. #2
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    This stuff worries me a great deal. Thought it was all behind by now.
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  3. #3
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    It should have and would have had it not been for radicals on all sides.The future is what is of paramount importance now-- polarisation on the basis of colour must be avoided or be it at our peril. This volatile situation with the murder of Terre'blanche will require more than a bucket of water to calm down.

  4. #4
    Platinum Member desA's Avatar
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    This 'colour' thing is so incredibly stupid.

    I'm pale, my kids are dark & my wife yellow. So what?
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  5. #5
    Diamond Member tec0's Avatar
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    Well the truth is that we cannot protect ourselves anymore thanks to the strict weapons law. Then we have the police and they are not effective at all and are also abusive as shown in carte blanche. So what is left?

    We the people must demand protection against all criminals. Playing the “who said what game” is just playing the criminals game. There is a great many murders in both townships and farms. All of us are victims so perhaps we must join hands and fight the criminal word because none of us can do it alone.

    Think about that...
    peace is a state of mind
    Disclaimer: everything written by me can be considered as fictional.

  6. #6
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    The murder of Eugene Terreblance was tragic. The aftermath reminded us that racial divisions remain deep.

    The majority of leaders expressed their sympathies, and pleaded for calm. We all can also breath a sigh of relief, for the AWB's to backtrack on their previous threat.

    But..... now the AWB is using a tragic event to score political points. Suddenly the "Volkstaat" is back on the agenda. Racial tension is stoked, which this country can ill afford and veiled threats are made, and AWB spokespersons threathen people in TV studios.

    All this does a disservice to their cause. Prominent Black leaders supported the AWB in their time of sorrow...But now everything is coming apart at the seams it appears, more so for the AWB(leadership tussles etc)

    Before we complain about SA again, remember that countries like the US also had their fair share of racial/political murders . And whilst not a shining example of racial harmony, remains a United country, nevertheless.
    Last edited by sgafc; 08-Apr-10 at 12:14 PM.
    Sean Goss We all are scared, but only few are brave.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgafc View Post
    But..... now the AWB is using a tragic event to score political points. Suddenly the "Volkstaat" is back on the agenda. Racial tension is stoked, which this country can ill afford and veiled threats are made, and AWB spokespersons threathen people in TV studios.
    i only saw the last part of this interview when she was going on about farm workers...being extremely rude not letting him finish his sentence...then he jumped up and threw the mic...surely he knew what was coming...when it got to the point that he was unable to control himself he should have stood up and walked out peacefully there was no need for him to carry on the way he did...presenter should not have held onto his arm like that either...because that just made it matters worse...they should have let him walk out....the last outburst from him was totally unacceptable...there was no reason for him to make that comment.
    Last edited by Dave A; 09-Apr-10 at 09:49 AM.

  8. #8
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    an extract from bbc news

    South Africa is also among the most violent societies outside warzones with 18,000 murders a year - all of that makes for an edgy society and fuels racial tensions.

    a women raped ever 28 minutes

    rainbow nation more dark cloud?

  9. #9
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    Before I continue with this post I want to make it CLEAR, I am not an AWB supporter by a long shot, but I am trying to see things neutrally from their perspective, something I feel hardly ever happens as they are so far right.

    I believe a very important point to ponder here is history. When the Voortrekkers traveled up to Transvaal they found an uninhabited area which they could make their own. Back then there was no people living in the now Gauteng. the Freestate was also largely uninhabited and they found what they were looking for. They left Europe and the other countries because they wanted their own country to rule according to their own values and beliefs, this is all the Voortrekkers ever wanted. The AWB largly represents the same type of individual and needs. Whether it is correct is irrelevant, it is what they want and their views.

    Another reason this is coming out right now is that the Afrikanerstigting won their case against the government in World Court in Den Haag to have an own "Volkstaat". 31 March 2010. The ANC has thus far completely ignored this judgement, but this is the main reason that the AWB is asking for their own Volkstaat, the timing is just... perfect???

    I am just concerned here about 2 things.

    The ANC must get Malema to shut up. He is stirring a pot that doesn't need stirring. Our history is filled with many people that have died to protect their rights. The country still have a generation or 2 that are filled with racial hatred that are supposed to die out as the generations pass along. The fact that Malema is talking with the youth at universities and keeping racism alive with his hate-filled speeches wherever he goes is not contributing positively to the country nor is it calming the far right at this time. I was shocked when he basically challenged the right wing to take him out as he is ready for them and they will not succeed during his interview in Zim after ET was killed. (Shame poor guy has no idea how dumb he really is)

    The AWB is frustrated and is justly angry, the slightest stirring will make them do stupid things which I am sure they are capable of doing very effectively. The fact is they have the right to be angry so does all South Africans, but they have a special invested interest, their forefathers died for this country not against the ANC, but against the British and the Zulu. In their view their country was handed for free to corrupt individuals which they identify by race.

    When I was in the SAP we had to attend a meeting to ensure no rioting or fighting broke out as there was threats made by the far left to do so. This gave me the opportunity to listen to probably one of the best speakers I have ever heard in my life, ET. His speech was filled with detail regarding the Voortrekkers, Boer wars and Christian beliefs. He was genuinely remarkable in many ways as a speaker and leader and his passion was unmatched. therefore his death must have had a major impact within his support base.

    I do however trust that sense will prevail in both the ANC and AWB camps, because if it does, there is no reason that South Africa will not overcome this event and grow even stronger. At this point I am still positive about this specific event not leading to a major war. I am however dreaming of the day that South Africans will vote for a competent political party instead. Will it happen soon? Probably not with racists like Malema around, keeping it alive in the youth. (But maybe that is his main duty within the ANC?)
    Roelof Vermeulen (Entrepreneurship in large organizations)
    Roelof Vermeulen| Rock flaps south africa

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    Butch Hannan (13-Apr-10)

  11. #10
    Diamond Member AndyD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sgafc View Post
    Before we complain about SA again, remember that countries like the US also had their fair share of racial/political murders . And whilst not a shining example of racial harmony, remains a United country, nevertheless.
    The US as we know it today was born from civil war and mass bloodshed caused by two ideologies sharing the same land.

    I saw South Africa go through the transformation into a democracy without bloodshed and for a while there was an upbeat mentality about its future. Today on this forum and beyond it, I don't see that optimism any more. I wonder if that kind of transformation without civil war can be a lasting one or whether it was just a facade of optimism covering the old cultural differences that were never resolved.

    Maybe an all-out civil war is the way to go then when all parties concerned have made sacrifices, in a few years those who are still around can start again with a clean slate and lots of U.N. funding and a real will to make the country work.

    Suddenly the "Volkstaat" is back on the agenda.
    What use is a 'Volkstaat if the country it's in is falling apart and dysfunctional or even at civil war. Why not treat the cause of the problems by putting your efforts into the country as a whole rather than trying to isolate yourselves from the symptoms in a Volkstaat.

    Quote Originally Posted by murdock View Post
    an extract from bbc news
    South Africa is also among the most violent societies outside warzones with 18,000 murders a year - all of that makes for an edgy society and fuels racial tensions.
    a women raped ever 28 minutes
    rainbow nation more dark cloud?
    Maybe this is actually the reverse, could it be that the racial tensions are actually fueling the murders, rapes etc as well as being fueled by them?

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