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Thread: another white farmer murdered

  1. #1
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    another white farmer murdered

    the sad thing about this murder is not who the person was...but how he was murdered...the reason for his murder and by who...

    hacked and beaten to death over wages by a 15 year and 21 year old eeeeeeish....or is there more to this story.

    something else which doesnt add up...why did they hand themselves over the police...and malama out of the country at the time of the murder.

    kill the boer...of all the boers to kill wouldnt the awb leader be the first prize.

  2. #2
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    the response from malema on national Tv tonight at 7 pm

    "i dont know what you are talking about, i am in zimbabwe"
    Last edited by murdock; 04-Apr-10 at 07:31 PM.

  3. #3
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    i decided to do a google search to see how big this farmer murder problem was...and to my shock it seems to be a lots bigger problem than reported.

    reading some of these articles are rather disturbing...the manner in which they are executed...i would think this was done by trained personel.

    the email the other day just seemd like a hoax but after reading these articles it makes you wonder.

  4. #4
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    for years all i wanted was to find ways to duck having to go and do 3 month camps...with malema visiting zimbabawe...statements he is making and all these farm murders... maybe it is time to look at finding out about rejoining the old else will we protect our families?

    the new sandf might go on strike for more money at the time when they are needed...i dont think the police have the manpower to manage service delivery violence and zenophobic attacks.

    the other question you have to ask yourself is what is malema doing in zimbabwe getting the zanu pf support...i dont know too much about politics but looking at what is going on from the outside...

    service deliveries becoming more and more violent every day...

    malema kill the boer...

    then suddenly the malema of the afrikaaners is brutally murdered while malema is out the country getting support from zanu pf

    zuma special address on 7 pm news requesting calm...

    i am getting nervous.

    if it where just me i wont give a damn...but unfortunatley i have a family to support and protect and i am being forced to watch as my wife and daughter are videoed being raped doesnt go down well with me...i will protect my family what ever it takes...even if it means having to take 3 years of my life again to do it.

    this is not a racial issue is about making a safe enviroment for all south africans to live in harmony

    it is time for all "south africans" (black...white...indian... coloured) to stand together and fight against these people who are creating an unstable enviroment.

    it is not only white people who are suffering...all south africans are being affected by violent attacks...hijackings...etc etc...when they go on the rampage black owned shops are being looted and owners attacked.

  5. #5
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    quote just to make me even more concerned

    "Pretoria, South Africa - In a joint press conference Solidariteit and Afriforum will contact genocide watch to monitor the situation in South Africa. South Africa that has seen more than 3100 murders according to some sources faces the biggest wall yet since the end of apartheid.

    Genocide watch is

    Genocide Watch exists to predict, prevent, stop, and punish genocide and other forms of mass murder. We seek to raise awareness and influence public policy concerning potential and actual genocide. Our purpose is to build an international movement to prevent and stop genocide.

    We address genocide as it is defined in the Genocide Convention: "the intentional destruction, in whole or in part, of a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such." We also address political mass murder, ethnic cleansing, and other genocide-like crimes.

    Genocide Watch is the Coordinating organization of The International Campaign to End Genocide (ICEG), an international coalition of organizations. The ICEG aims to educate the general public and policy makers about the causes, processes, and warning signs of genocide; to create the institutions and political will to prevent and stop genocide; and to bring perpetrators of genocide to justice.

  6. #6
    Email problem
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    I fully agree, its scary ... I can leave and stay elsewhere, but that is not the solution for SA, what is ?

  7. #7
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    It's even making international news.
    malema kill the boer...

    then suddenly the malema of the afrikaaners is brutally murdered
    About sums up the problem no matter what really happened. Spin doctors from all parts are going to be kept busy with this one, that's for sure.

    A good time for calm heads and reflection.

  8. #8
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    the solution...take up arms and take over the country...NOT

    get a plane ticket and run while you still can NOT

    i sometimes feel like this is what i should do but i dont believe that is gona solve anything just ceate a safer enviroment for my daughter.

    i ask myself what is it gona be like in 5/10 years time when i send her to school if people like malema are in charge of running this country.

    i had the opitunity to leave in 1998 when my mates packed and left...they always tell me how great it is overseas and ask why i stay here...half my family have left and live in the uk and say the same thing why do i stay is a lot better over there...medical schools etc....and the favourite....shame what about your daughter once they rape or murder her it too late....well i keep asking myself the same thing.

    after reading all the articles tonight and watching what is happening i just dont know bad do things have to get before they get better or is this country gona turn out like zim.

    i dont have the answers unfortuantely...i am just a small fish in big ocean.

    what we need in this country is hope... something for everyone to look forward to...not hate speech or racial discrimination...this is a great country it just needs great leaders to run it.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave A View Post
    It's even making international news.

    About sums up the problem no matter what really happened. Spin doctors from all parts are going to be kept busy with this one, that's for sure.

    A good time for calm heads and reflection.
    i just hope for all our sakes while we are sitting around with calm heads and reflection the sh!t doesnt hit the fan.

    once its happened its tooo late.

    these people have already mobilised we still have a long way we dont even have an army anymore to protect us.

    i am starting to believe that there is no hope for this country unless zuma who was a military person himself a leader has become like an old male in a pack of lions and malema is chomping at the bit to talk over form him and unless zuma stands up and shows some sort of leadership qualities malema is gona walk all over him...with the youth supporting him.

    this could be why zuma is just sitting quietly not doing anything about the situation...maybe he feels weak and doesnt have what it takes to pull us out the kak...i dont think free bus rides and lunch to rallies is gona cut it this election.


    You, the youths of Zanu-PF, must defend the gains of the revolution. You must be focused. You must be militant, radical and resolute," Malema said.

  10. #10
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    this statement made by malema to verfy my comment above...maybe he feels the same way about zuma...and has his sights set on south africa.

    " November, Malema said Mugabe must go. "He must step down - we need a new president in Zim," he said at the time.

    "Zanu-PF is not the problem, the problem is the old man who is refusing to leave power," Malema said.

    "And I don't know why the youth of that country are not taking him on."

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