It's that day of the year you never know what to trust in the news.
Here are a couple of obvious April Fools Day jokes.
kulula takes aim at advertisers over use of 'Sky™'
Budget airline on Wednesday warned advertisers that it would commence legal proceedings for trademark infringement to prevent unauthorised use of the word "SkyTM".
The move comes following widespread unauthorised use of images of the SkyTM, kulula's primary place of business.
full story from M&G hereAnd then there are the ones you wish weren't true!Calendar makers to fight Fifa over 2010 trademark rights
Three South African calendar manufacturers say they will fight Fifa in court over the soccer body’s claim that it has trademark rights to the date "2010".
The dispute, which has been simmering since the beginning of the year, came to a head last week when Fifa’s marketing arm issued the businesses with lawyers’ letters demanding a total of R2.7 million in royalties.
Fifa maintains that use of the date for commercial purposes, such as in calendars, is a breach of the special legislation approved last year to protect its branding ahead of the world cup.
full story from Business Report here
Clearly our Director of Public Prosecutions has no faith in the bench to decide these things without fear, favour or prejudice.National Director of Public Prosecutions Menzi Simelane admits that he interfered in the decision to grant musician Molemo "Jub Jub" Maarohanye bail in his murder case, but says the interference was a "necessary requirement" to prevent community pressure from deciding the issue.
full story from M&G here
But this one takes the cake:
Noluthando Vavi, the wife of Cosatu general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi, is being paid R60 000 a month to market financial products to union members. And the company she acts for is so anxious to keep the deal secret that it offered the Mail & Guardian a bribe of R120 000 to suppress the story.
full story from M&G here
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