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Thread: Transnet employment practices

  1. #1
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    Transnet employment practices

    A manger of mine applied for a job at Transnet. The position is a train driver. appears they are down to or have 170 applicants and 120 positions. What I find amazing is how involved the process is.
    he has been to 6 interviews/tests including medical (fair enough - we dont want a narcoleptic driver), psychometric(neccessarry??) reflex and co-ord tests(mmm??) and then 2 or 3 interviews and security checks on all 170.
    I have to ask is all of this really neccessary because the cost is huge. Furthermore, there is no dropping out as they go along. I would also imagine that a 3 hour medical (cost r1000?) could be conducted on the final 120, employment being subject to passing the medical.

    i wonder what you have to do to be CEO? oh yes, silly me. Go for lunch one day start tomorrow, waste tax payers money!

    of further aggravation is a lack planning, a forgone conclusion i guess. they literally phone the people and tell them they have a test/ interview tomorrow at such and such a time. The people have no choice but to accept the time. i wonder how many prospects have been phoning in sick so that they can make the appointment
    Last edited by; 26-Mar-10 at 01:57 PM. Reason: important info
    Anthony Sterne
    DISCLAIMER The above is merely a comment in discussion form and an open public arena. It does not constitute a legal opinion or professional advice in any manner or form.

  2. #2
    Site Caretaker Dave A's Avatar
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    Not bad considering all the LRA, OHS, EE, BEE, NGO, corporate governance and public transport safety issues that have to be navigated

    It's called bureaucracy, and no matter how many times I type it, I still have to spell check it every time.

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