Hi all,
I've only ever outsourced extra work to other companies, which made everything (income TAX, PAYE, UIF, etc) just so much easier to handle from an accounting point of view.
But for a large project that we recently took on, I've decided to "permanently employ" a contractor - if one can call it that.
What do I need, in terms of contract(s) and tax for this person? He will basically work on add-hoc projects and be paid for the work done, per hour. So some days he'll work for 8 hours, other days for 2 or 3 hours, depending on the work. The work is development based, and he'll have full use of our office space, PC(s), internet access, etc. If he wants todo research in his off-time, that's fine as well, as long as it's work / business related. i.e. I don't want him to research the human body or "sexual education", etc.
And from a TAX / labor perspective, what do I need?
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